Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!) Part 3 Multi-ships

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my love will always live.


The meeting

        A girl with long Maple hair stepped into a dark alleyway. She looked around, her contact should be there. Someone stepped out of the shadows. The girl looked over there in hope. Her hope dropped like a rock in her stomach. The man was John Negative, assassin of Team Rocket.

"Welcome, Ms. Maple, I have heard much about you." The man said with a voice of silk. "My informant was right, I was to meet an interesting person, with our parcel." He said, eyeing the box under her arm. Maple looked at the parcel. No, don't trust him! Oh yes, please do, before this gets ugly. Maple looked at the man, he just smirked. Maple sized up her opponent, he was much taller than her. He had a slim build and not much muscle. He wasn't fat. He wore a black tux, dark dark midnight blue shoes and white gloved. He had dark brown hair and a smug-ass smile.

"Hand it over, Maple." He said slowly, reaching his hand out. Maple put a hand behind her back, grabbing a knife.

"You want this package? Go and get it." Maple threw it in the air. She expected him to try to catch it. Instead he looked her in the eyes, smiling. The box spun in mid air, plummeting back to earth. The box almost hit the ground, then it suddenly stopped. John had his out stretched. Then box then flew atop a dumpster by the movement of his hand.

"I bet they didn't tell you I could do THAT?" He said. He grabbed to handled to swords, pushing a button. Both swords turned into swords.

"Your tiny dagger stands no chance against my blades." He laughed evilly. Maple stepped back, looking around for an exit, she was cornered.

"Tur?" Said a voice beside her. Maple looked down, a Turtwig. The little Pokemon looked from Maple to John.

"Duskclops, take down the tiny runt." He growled. The great Pokemon came out, roaring. Maple looked at Turtwig. It was scared. Duskclops launched an attack. Out of reaction, Maple jumped in front of the attack. She took the blast, going out.

      Maple opened her eyes slowly. Leaning over her was the heartless assassin. Maple's first instinct was to jump away, but she could not move. John leaned forward till he was about an inch away from her face.

"I have one question for you, agent. Why would you sacrifice yourself for such a puny Pokemon?" Maple saw it was a honest question.

"Pokemon are our friends, we don't give up them just to save ourselves." The assassin closed his eyes. He then stood up, did a hand movement, then walked away. After the action, Maple could move again. She looked at the man until he vanished. I wonder if we will meet again...

Stevie(My White 2 character)XBianca


Bianca sneaked into her friends house. She stealthily climbed the stairs to his "Office" room(He was the champion, lots of paper work). Bianca peaked into the room. Stevie was siting in a chair in the middle of the room, looking up at a TV. Bianca snuck into the room, hiding. Then she lunged into the boy. Stevie gasped, falling backwards unto the ground. Surprise and confusion were in the eyes behind the glasses. Bianca giggled, pinning him down.

"Got you!" Stevie gave her a sly look.

"Not for long." The boy kicked over Bianca's hip, sweeping her to the ground. Now, Stevie was on top. He pined her down, smiling. He put his face an inch away from hers.

"It seems I am on top, now!" He said victoriously. He pecked the girl's nose, causing her to blush. Stevie jumped off of her, turning his attention to something else. Bianca got up slowly, eyes on Stevie. Normally, he would go for a second strike. The boy turned, lunging. Bianca fell backwards, landing on her back. Bianca blushed.

"S-Stevie, not cool!"

"I know you aren't."


The end.

I hope you guys enjoyed this installment of Pokemon shipping. Comment, vote, follow, be awesome!

Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now