Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Even now I don't really remember much of what happened after that, it was like I was in a daze for a few hours. With plenty of patronizing police officers trying to talk to me, though I refused to speak, I remember thinking to myself, 'the only person that could possibly get me out of this state is now dead, so why do they keep trying?' I probably would have stayed that way for the rest of my life, not speaking, showing no emotion, just floating through. If it hadn't been for my knight in shining armour of sorts...

*     *     *

I'm sat in one of the rooms in the police station, the one with all the toys that they use for kids. Only I'm not touching any of the toys. I haven't moved at all for a while, I'm not even sure if I've blinked or breathed. I've just sat here, staring at the faded, worn carpet.

The door opens. The noise barely registers in my mind, I don't turn my head to look at yet another police officer sent in to get me to talk. I don't know why they keep trying, my mom's the only person who could get me out of this state. 

Why am I not crying?

The thought adds another level of grief and confusion to the turmoil in my head. Though my face still remains blank.

I realize that there is someone now sitting on the chair opposite mine, a man, he's just staring at me. However, his stare is not like the other officers - who gave me gazes full of unwanted pity and sympathy - his stare held curiosity, nothing more, I searched within them, but there wasn't any hint that he was pitying me.

Suddenly he smiles at me, "Hey there, Kiddo. How're you holding up?" he says lightly. 

I almost reply, however I catch myself just in time and choose to turn my gaze around the room, busying myself by taking note of the layout and contents of the room for the first time, instead.

 The wallpaper is bright, colorful. It's got a pattern of puzzle pieces on it, as if the wall was built with giant puzzle pieces. It's fading slightly at the corners, a sign of how long it has been since the room was decorated. I'm in the middle of inspecting a spider crawl it's way up the corner furthest from me when the man talks again, the sound of his voice making me turn my head to him.

"Do you like the wallpaper?" he inquires.

I turn away again, this time inspecting the toys in the corner. They are all slightly worn looking, as if they haven't been used in a while and no one has bothered to replace them.

"I always thought it was a little too vivid myself, it could give you a headache if you stare at it too long." He adds with humor. He sighs, though - unlike the other officers - it's not filled with annoyance, but almost with content as he sits back in the chair. A loud growl fills the room. He suddenly sits forward again.

"When was the last time you ate?" Concern wrinkles his brow.

It's only after a moment of confusion that I realize that the growl actually came from my stomach. I glare down at it, silently condemning it for giving me away. Despite this, I glance at the clock, I'd left the apartment at 8:30 this morning and it was now almost 6 in the afternoon. But I'm not sure if I could stomach anything right now.

He stands from his chair and crouches in front of me before talking, "I'll send an officer out to get you some food, okay? You can have anything you want, just ask." 

I just stare at him wide eyed, bewildered that he would actually spend money to buy me food. It takes me a minute or so to realize he is still staring at me, expecting an answer. I look down at my lap for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath and saying the first thing I'd said since I saw my mother get killed - no, murdered.

Jet: Revenge and Power (Book 1 of the Heroic Generations Series)Where stories live. Discover now