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I looked in and saw... Hayley. She had all these cords and a leg cast. She was lying down, with her eyes closed. I felt someone breathing next to me. It was Katie. "I'm so sorry, Annie," Katie told me. I just nodded and streams of tears came down my face.

We went back home because Hayley needed surgery. I remember the first time Hayley getting surgery. She was scared, but she did it. I just don't know if she'll make it this time.

"Mommy, I'm scared," I told her when we got home. No one talked on the way back from the hospital. "Well, Annie. I'm scared too. I don't want to lose anymore kids from the Bratayley household," she told me. I didn't either. I didn't want the best big brother to die, and I don't want my best little sister to die, too. I was tired, I was crying and a lot of stuff happened today already, so I went upstairs and took a quick nap.

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