king of the enemy

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"hamnet!" anthony yelled "land.....i see land"
"Yes i do to go and wake the others and get them ready this is dangerouse teritory so we need to keep an eye out"

Anthony ran to his freinds and woke them all up

"Whaaaaat..... anthony i hate you i was in the middle of a good dream" auberin said tiredly
"Well to bad" anthony said sarcastically "we are almost to land"
"Realy!" Ethan cut in running to the front of the big wooden boat along with eryk behind him
"Yes!" Yelled hamnet "so awaken your bonds and get them ready before we get there you got about 10 minutes"
"Ok they all yelled and ran to theyer bonds"

Ethan woke up echo who almost a mediately flue up in the sky to see the land she looked at the huge island covered in trees,vines, and roots it was like a giant rainforest that had never been touched

Auberin after awakening her bond got breakfast which consisted of bread a small glass off milk and some cold cooked pork they all ate it fast because they were all really hungry and were excited for the land.
After they finished eating they all ran to the front off the deck and watched as they inched closer to the land they all felt a jolt of anxiety running through their veins

Until they finaly made it the boat gently washed up on to the shore thanks to the sand.

"Everyone get your gear and start putting what you want to take on your bonds pack" said Mareth
"Ok" they all answered back

Everyone packed supplies on the back of there bat and then Mareth put a big ladder on the side of the boat and everyone climbed down argent to touch land again it has been a while after all.

Eryk and ethan werw fighting about who goes down first as if it matters its just something they both just do.

When they quit arguing everyone finally got down.

"Ok there are a few rules number one no flying on the bats" hamnet said stepping in front of all of them
"Why" anthony asked
"Because we dont want king bloodriva to no were here" hamnet said back
"King bloodriva whos that" anthony asked
"Your mom" eryk said laughing
"Huhuhuuh haha naaaaa"ethan laughed
"Haha shut up hu" anthony said back
"Hes the king of the enemy hes relentless and doesnt like the humans much especially the travelers"
"Why" anthony asked
"Because you guys are destined to kill his son"
"Realy" auberin said shocked
"Ya now lets ignore that for now and get on with the rules rule number two dont make to much noise we dont want the enemy or the plants to know we are here.
"The plants?" Anthony said confused
"Hu uh this guy craaaaazzyyy haha" ethan said laughing
"Yes the plants. Some of the plants here will in fact eat you so uum dont take an apple from a tree ok unless you wanna get us killed. Now that is all the rules for now oh wait i forgot dumb laughs"

All of them smirked holding back laughter for no reason

"Ok" they all said lets go

They headed towards the jungle theyer feet sinking a little bit into the wet mud until the came in contact with the jungle.
There were plants everywhere but no animals at first sight they all began to let theyer bodies eaz up beside hamnet he knew the danger that they didnt.
They walked for a good hour in almost complete silence until they heard a big screech that made them all jump.

"What was that" they all asked frietened looking at hamnet
"Probaly just a rat being eaten by a plant" he answered back blankley
"The rats are that" Aburin asked
"Because they are huge normal size for them is 8 feet"
"Jeez" Anthony said chills running down his spine
"Ya now shut your faces before you guys get us all killed"

They nodded and began walking again the bats following close behind

They walked for a good three houres before coming to a big stone statue that looked like a rat holding a torch

"Who is that" anthony asked
"King bloodriva" hamnet answered "we are not far"
"Far from what" they all asked
"His kingdom we need to go there"
"Why thats not in the prophecy" they all said
"No but he has something very important that we need to get because it can kill us all"
"What is it" anthony asked
"Its a plague worse then any before it can wipe out all civilizations i know its not in the prophecy but this is as important as the prophecy"
"So what we are going to sneak in and take it" auberin asked
" guys are staying here it is to dangerouse to risk the travelers"
"Well to bad because we are coming wether you like ot or not" Auberin said
"Ya" they all said but Auberin
"Ugh fine but be quit this is going to be very dangerous" hamnet said
"Quit is my middle name" anthony said tucking his nose under his shirt like a ninja
"Ya hawooo" Auberin said doing the same thing
Then they all did it
"Ok then lets get going its going to be dark soon"
"How its only 3:30" anthony said checking his watch
"The time change here is six houres ahead"
"Oh ok lets go"

They all walked in the direction the statue was in front of them for about half an hour until they came to a big stone castle

"There it is guys lets sneak in" hamnet said

They all went in threw the front avoiding two rat guards in next to two big pillars they all went right once they walked in the gaurds were distracted by a game of what seemed to be checkers.
There were stairs leading down which they went down then came to what seemed to be a hospital slash lab they went in to the lab door hamnet first and auberin was about to walk in until a metal bars came down over the door and blocked the way in then a bell sound went off then about eight giant rats came running down the stairs on all fours.
Then one of them said "leave them alive the master wants to see them" in a gruff voice.

Anthony attacked first with his sword slashing a rats hand off then emidently getting hit by the other cutting open his stomach then auberin attacked going for the head but then the rat hit her in the head with his tail knocking her out cold ethan then attacked to but didnt even lay a hit eryk was about to attack the rat but then fainted by seeing Anthony's cut open stomach.
And then anthony fainted from blood loss

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