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Hey guys quick authors note so today we hit 200 reads on dimensions which is a HUGE monument so i came up with this little special we will have with it.
So im thinking for the big 200 the next chapter.
Chapter 12 it will be 2200 words long which will be the longest chapter ever in the history of dimensions.
So be ready for that plus i will be updating more often and watching out for 300 reads which will be our new goal.
So without further to do here is chapter 11.

Anthony woke up dazed and hanging from chains.
His arms were chained to the roof in the middle of a dark room.
He looked around and didnt see his freinds.......his famly

"Well well well look who woke up. i suppose the leader"


Auberins POV

Hey wake up auberin heard before a punch to the stomach immediately waking her up

"Goooood now your awake. Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way wait you do chooses" the rat said smirking
"What do you want"
The rat begans walking left and right "i need to know who is the leader"
"I wont give out my freinds"
"Oh you will"

He said grabbing for a whip and then started wipping auberins back she couldnt handle it because of the bruises on here back and blacked out

Abuerin woke up again with the same rat in front of her barely seeing him

"Hey! Stay awake i have something for you"

He said while grabing for a small vial of some blue liquid he opened it then made her drink it. She refused but he poored it down her throat so she couldnt do anything about

"What was it antibiotic's" auberin asked hopingly
"Ya you wish." The rat said chuckling "truth syrim soon you will be singin lika a bird" he started laughing

Auberin began worrying.
Worrying about if she will tell hin everything so she tried to keep shut

5 minuits later the syrim started to kick in

"Ok" the rat said "who sent you"
"Um the prophecy duuh" auberin said sounding like a school girl
"Well no shit" the rat said getting fustreated
"Whos your leader" he said still thinking
"Uum hamnet and anthony"
"Ok thats all i needed to knoe thank you for telling the truth" the rat said with a smirk before walking out the door to tell his boss.....bloodriva

Anthonys POV

Anthony woke up dazed and hanging from chains.
His arms were chained to the roof in the middle of a dark room.
He looked around and didnt see his freinds.......his famly

"Well well well look who woke up. i suppose the leader"
"Wuh huh who said that" anthony said in a hurt hollow voice

The rat came out of the dark.
Anthony became frightened but didnt show it the pain in his stomach was way worse.

"You know this is a very bad day to come visiting" the rat said
"Oh ya why is that?" Anthony asked

Another bigger rat came out of the darkness and then started pacing back and forth in front of him.

"You know" the rat began "today is the crowning of my son he will be king.... And you do have to kill him in some point it may not be today or tommorow but it will be when the next porphecy begins so let me go get him he might want to see you" the king rat said walking out of the dark room

Anthony began getting scared and anxiouse he didnt want to die like this with out his famly he began wiggling around looking up at the chains.

"That isnt going to work" the rat began chuckling

And then the door swung wide open so fast when it hit the wall it cracked the hard stone.
Hamnet quickly ran in threw the door way and stabbed the rat in the chest.
He then made sure the rat was dead grabbed the keys off of a table that had some torcher tools on it then quckly ran over and a shackled anthony.
Anthony hit the ground and landed on his knees then got back up worrying about his freinds.

"Where are my freinds" he said getting up
"They are in the other jail cells" hamnet answered
"How did you escape anthony began running over to the table and grabbed a small knife
"I am a trained soldier maby after words you should get the same training as i did"
Hamnet said starting towards the door anthony close behind him
They took a right down the hallway and then took another right down the door hamnet was reaching for the door knob just before hearing a scream.
Theyer heads jerked back recognising the scream they both ran towards the door behind them as fast as they could.
Hamnet quickly kicked the door wide open as fast as possible.
And exposed eryk ethan hanging in the middle of the room chains around theyer arms.
a rat whiping ethan on the back.
Eryk passed out hamnet ran towards the rat as fast as possible.
Once he came in range with the rat he jumped pulled his sword over his head in mid air one about 1 foot away from the rat still in air he brung his sword down right on the rats heads splitting it in half and then landed on the rats stomach.
Anthony ran over to them ignoring the pain in his stomach and unshackled ethan.
Ethan fell down and landed on his feet and then quckly dropped to his feet anthony helped him up and made sure he could stand then walked over to eryk whos wrists were bleeding around the shackles.
Anthony unshackled him and caught him before he hit the ground.

"What happened to him?" Anthony asked looking at ethan
"They wouldnt stop punching him and pulling on him" ethan said stuttering
"Is he alive?" Anthony asked trying to check
"Ya" hamnet cut in "i can see him breathing"
"Ok lets go find auberin then" anthony said walking towards the door hamnet behind him they walked out the door without checking to see if there were rats.
Once they got in the middle of the hallway a rat yelled "Hey!"

Ethan was to the left of hamnet.
Hamnet looked over at him and quickly threw him a dagger.
Ethan looked down at the dagger and then ran up next to anthony.
Hamnet set down eryk then quickly ran up next to anthony the rats began to charge towards them.

Hamnet yelled "hold!"
So ethan held up his sword pointing the tip towards the rats.
Anthony missed the training so he just held his sword out in front of him.
The rats were now twenty feet away and still running.
They are now 10 feet away hamnet yelled "ATTACK!" And stepped forward and jabbed his sword into the rats stomach.
Ethan did the samething but only he hit the rats arm.
The rat screeched and yelled as he flew behind them and hit smack into the wall at the end of the wall anthony ran and killed it.
His stomach started bleeding again as he ran back to ethan hamnet and unconscious eryk they went through the door and saw auberin hanging.
Before they walked in they heard another "hey!" Down the hall they looked in the direction the noise came from and saw the king and the prince.

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