Chapter 5: My Shot

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Scarlet sat on her mattress and stared at the floor....she was in pain. Awful pain. But she had to get out.

It had been a week since Jacob died. 1 week.

Scarlet put her brothers old leather jacket on. He had always had it but he loved it and cherished it.
The weather was a little bit chilly but she could handle it.
Grabbing her door keys and shoving them in her pocket she left her room and walked away.

She walked for 20 minutes when she heard singing. She took hold of every word...the words were

I am not throwing away my shot!
I am not throwing away my shot!
Hey yo! I'm just like my country!
Young, scrappy and hungry!

Scarlet walked towards the music and came to see a large crowd and a man in a pony tail- wait it was Lin! She looked at him and somehow they made eye contact. He almost dropped his microphone when he saw her. She almost fainted on spot.
The song ended and he said a view words about a lottery and Hamilton. He went inside and people started to leave.
Scarlet stayed and looked with a smile on her face. The made her smile.
She turned around to leave when the door opened and Lin came out. He gently grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. He bended down so he was at eye level.
"Are you ok?"
"Why did you leave when you saw me on the phone?"
She looked at him with a small look of shock.
He asked one final question.
"What's your name?"

That was the easiest question....She looked at him and let out a small sound. But she told her name.
He nodded and smiled.
"Great. Scarlet...why were you so scared the other night? You were starving."
Scarlet felt small tears starting...."Because i-i."
Lin then pulled her into a hug. He hugged her tightly, his arms wrapped around. He then whispered into her ear.
"I want to give you a second chance.....please don't throw away your shot".

//Hello! I hope you enjoyed that one! It was a lot shorter so sorry! Lin is amazing! Am I right?

Founded By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now