Chapter 15. The Nightmares

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Scarlet loved to dream...she loved to escape from reality and enter her own personal heaven. Her mind.

Tonight was different

" please! Anything"

Scarlet screamed as the man plunged the long sharp blade into her mother. She simply looked down at her daughter who was hugging to her brother.
She attempted to speak but was cut off as the same blade ran across her mothers neck.
Her mother dropped beside her already dead husband.
This was hell.

Scarlet eyes popped open. She was covered in tears and sweat as she struggled to forget the incident that got her thrown into this mess.
The killers face ran over through her mind and she realized who he was.
He not only killed her parents. He killed Jeremy.


She said out loud. She swore he was locked away. That's what they told her....

She started to sob now and that's when she heard footsteps.
She immediately threw the blankets over her and tried to contain the sobs.


A small whisper came from outside her door.
She ignored it and covered her mouth. She fell back asleep and the voice never bothered her again that night.

She needed to find this killer and take it down. Even if it meant getting even more hurt.

//I'm back! Yay! Well I still got school so theirs that but I'm gonna try!
Oh and I made a website on fandom's in my tech class. You should go check it out. Its not completed yet but I got stuff on there. I take requests for imagines and edits of all sort of fandom's!


If that does not work, try fandom with a s. I can't remember XD

Founded By Lin-Manuel MirandaWhere stories live. Discover now