We Are Not Alone

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We are not alone in space; this I know. Far away in another galaxy there is a planet called Polaris. It's a huge round planet, much bigger than Earth. Polaris is a magnificent shade of light and dark blue mixed together. It has a wide purple ring circling around it. The gravity is the same as Earth's and you can walk with ease. In the daytime the sky is a shade of blue that resembles the vast oceans of Earth. At night the sky is clear and dotted with twinkling stars. The seasons are the same as Earth's. Spring is beautiful with exotic trees getting their buds. The flowers smell strong and sweet and are an array of colors. Fall is calming and colorful. Winter is a white wonderland, it never gets too cold, but it snows a lot. Summer is bright and warm. When the sun sets, the sky is a mix of deep colors. The people that inhabit this planet look like humans but live long lives. They are far more advanced than humans when it comes to technology and medical care.

The planet is ruled by a family by the name of Vindemiatrix. Long ago one of the old Kings of Polaris was told of a prophecy by the soothsayers. This prophecy stated that someday when Polaris is in trouble a savior from the planet Earth will come. It said that this human would be kind hearted, strong willed, and brave. They would become powerful with the right training and save Polaris. When the King heard this he called for his best craftsmen. He ordered that an amulet be made, and it will be sent to Earth to call out for this human. He put in in a capsule and had it shot to Earth. How do I know of this prophecy? My name is Bellatrix Archer, and I am the savior of Polaris.

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