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I started to come out of the sleeping state I was in. Everything around me looks strange. I'm hooked up to an IV and laying in a hospital bed. I lifted my arm to look at the needle in my arm, and there it was the strange amulet I found earlier. I was walking home to my little blue house. As I was walking I saw this shiny purple diamond stuck in the grass. I picked up a stick and tried prying it out of the grass. After digging at it I saw that it wasn't a diamond at all, but an amulet. It looked like an old artifact that you would see in a museum. The amulet was covered in dirt, so I started to brush off the dirt. While I brushed the dirt off the amulet it started glowing. All of a sudden it wrapped itself around my wrist and now I'm here; in this hospital bed in a strange place.

"Hello Miss" I heard a woman say as she entered the room.

"Where am I?" I asked in a demanding tone.

When the woman entered the room I noticed she was wearing a flowing black gown. She had her dark orange hair in a bun with a golden crown. Her makeup was dark with black eye shadow and purple lipstick.

"You've been asleep for a while, I was starting to worry." She said in a worried tone.

"Who are you, and where am I?" I asked again.

"Just look out the window and you'll see where you are." She said like it was obvious.

When I looked out the window next to my bed I was shocked at what I saw. There was a beautiful, giant, blue planet. It had a ring around it that was purple. The ring swirled around the planet slowly. The spaceship seemed to be moving closer and closer to the planet.

"My name is Princess Betria Vindemiatrix, and that is my home planet Polaris." She said as she walked towards the window to look out. "You'll understand everything soon. My brother, the king, will explain everything to you." Betria said as she turned to face me.

It was strange. I wasn't really scared at all. I was more curious of what the princess was talking about. My head was buzzing with questions I wanted to ask.

"I am going to talk to the captain. We're landing in a few minutes." Betria said as she walked out the door.

The ship landed onto a big building. Out the window I could see workers bustling about, hooking up wires to the ship. Betria came to get me and we walked out of the building where the ships are held.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to the palace to see the King, but not before you get a change of clothes." She exclaimed pointing to my outfit.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I looked down at my black sweater, blue flared skirt, and black flats.

"People dress differently here on Polaris. Look around and you'll see." She pointed to the people walking by on the perfectly paved streets.

The women wore elegant dresses with diamonds and other jewels decorating them. They flowed as they walked. Some men wore outfits with body armor on them. They also wore long cloaks. Underneath the cloaks you can see some men wore shirts that buttoned up. Some men didn't wear shirts. They also had on black and grey pants.

"Why are some men wearing armor and others aren't?" I asked.

"Those men are soldiers. Our planet is currently at war with another neighboring planet."

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