Chapter 1; Comfort...

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            "No, no, please don't do this! W-We, we can work this out, Alex--" The line went dead. Sean's already puffy eyes brimmed with tears again. He'd tried for almost two hours to stop the inevitable. But how could it suddenly just...Not work?  After nearly two years, how...Sean tossed his phone onto his desk, running a hand through his green hair. What the hell happened? He flopped down into his chair, really starting to cry now. He raised his head a little when his computer made a noise. Moving his mouse, he saw a Skype message from none other than Mark had popped up. He sighed and clicked it, opening it up.

"Hey Sean, noticed you didn't put anything up today...Anywhere...You alright?"

"Alex, she um.. She broke up with me."

"Ah, I'm so sorry.! You wanna actually talk? I know it's late, but..."

"Yeah, please. I need that right about now."

            Sean looked like Hell, but he didn't even care at this point. He might just drink for a little while and then pass out in his bed. At the moment, that seemed very inviting. But maybe Mark could talk him out of it. His screen illuminated as Mark Skyped him. He answered quickly, seeing a very concerned Mark staring back at him.

            "S-Sean, buddy, you don't look so good..." The Irishman wiped his red eyes and sniffled. "Y-Yeah, guess not, heh..." He forced a smile, trying to calm his hair. "Sean, I want to come see you.." Mark said, his brown eyes boring into Sean's puffy blue ones. "M-Mark, ya can't just up and leave to come visit me... Don't ya have videos to--" "I don't think my fans would mind, especially if I'm coming to see you. Most of them would probably love it. Besides, I've been wanting to see you again for a while."

            "So, there's no talking ya out of it, then?" Sean asked, really not wanting Mark to see how much of a wreck he was. He already had a pint of whiskey half drained in his fridge. "Nope, I'm coming to see you, Jackaboy!!"Sean smiled at the nickname, now seriously looking forward to seeing his friend. "Well, when, Markimoo?" 

            "I'll catch the first flight over, bright and early!!" Mark smiled in his goofy way, pushing up his glasses. "Great! Just let me know when yer leavin'!!" He watched Mark glance down at his phone. "Alright, that's set then!!!" He looked back up at Sean, mussing his hair a little. "The earliest is 7:30." Sean thought for a moment... "Hm, so ya won't be here till the afternoon...But that's okay! I still get to see ya!" He was already beginning to feel a little better.

            "I'll call you when I've reached the airport, how's that sound?" Sean smiled and nodded, but he knew he'd show up early, just so he could meet Mark there. But, he just realized how disheveled his house looked. Mark wouldn't mind, of course, but he sure as hell did. So, he would have to start cleaning early tomorrow to get everything the way he wanted it. "Well, you had better get to bed, sounds like you'll be gettin' up pretty early!" The Irishman said, his spirits lifting when he got to see that smile again. "Yeah, but it's worth it! I'll talk to you in the morning, Sean!" 

            Sean said goodnight before ending the call. He was so excited, how the Hell was he supposed to sleep? He'd been crushing on Mark for a while now, maybe he'd finally muster up the courage to tell him...Or maybe it'd be like VidCon, and PAX, and every other time he had the opportunity. But he'd kept his mouth shut, and he didn't even know why. Actually, he did know why;he had found Alex, and they had been close before he had even met Mark. 

            But it had turned into a relationship, probably faster than they had anticipated. Now that it crashed and burned, he could have a chance. There was nothing stopping him but his own fear and nerves. If Mark didn't like him back, what the fuck would that do to their friendship? They were best friends after all, and they often poked fun at Septiplier, but...The thought of it all being ruined by a couple sentences scared him more than he'd admit.

            He couldn't scare himself into silence again. No, this time...This time he'd get it right. He had to. Mark was a really sweet guy, and his looks made him all the more attractive. The last thing that Sean needed was for him to pick up a girlfriend. He sighed, exhausted, and got up, flopping down onto his bed and smothering himself in the covers. He silently swore that Mark would know, sooner rather than later...When the time was perfect.

            And with that final thought in his mind, he turned off his lamp, and welcomed sleep.

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