Chapter 2; Sleepy

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            The next morning, Sean had practically jumped out of bed, starting to clean after a cup of coffee. It had taken about two hours for him to completely clean the entire apartment, which wasn't exactly small. But he'd done it, and he was quite proud of himself by the end of it. He got done just as his phone buzzed. 

"Hey Sean, almost there!!"

"Alright, cool! I'll be at the airport soon, then!"

"Sounds good! See you then, Jackaboy!!"

            Sean smiled, grabbing his hoodie and his keys; this was going to be great! He couldn't wait to see Mark! And nobody would get in the way of the two of them this time... That's the thought that kept him smiling all the way to the airport. 

            When he arrived, he immediately began searching for Mark's bright red poof of hair. At least it helped him stand out in a crowd. He spotted him, a grin creeping onto his face. "Mark!! Ya big doof, over here!" Mark turned in his direction, the throng of people dispersing as Mark ran towards Sean.He dropped his bags and hugged the Irishman, lifting him off of the floor. "W-Woah, Mark! Heheh..!" Sean was blushing like crazy as Mark set him back on his feet. "Sorry, but I'm really happy to see you!!" Mark said with a smile. 

            That smile and that voice was enough to turn Sean's legs to jelly. Which almost happened right there in the airport. "I'm happy ta see ya too, Mark!" He picked up one of Mark's suitcases, beckoning him to follow him. "So, how was the trip?" Sean asked. "Oh, I'm not sure. I was asleep for most of it." He would be, Ireland's time is way different than what he's used to. 

            He managed to shove Mark's stuff in the backseat of his car, before getting in and turning it on. "Still a little tired?" The Irishman asked with a chuckle, seeing his friend yawning close to ten times on the way back. "Huh? Oh no'm, m'not tired.." Eh, so what if Mark crashed out for a bit? Sean needed it himself, he hadn't slept much. "C'mon, ya doof, we gotta get inside first!" He was not about to haul Mark into his house.

            "Wow, nice place Jackaboy!" Mark said, spinning in a big dramatic circle. Sean just grinned and said his thank-you. Took him long enough to clean it, hopefully it was nice. "Alright alright, ya doof. Let's put your stuff down before you fling it all over the place!" Sean leaned in to stop Mark's spinning, catching him and nearly falling down. "Fiiine," Mark said, tossing his suitcase, which fell open, all of it's contents following suit. "Oh, god damn it!' 

            He walked over and cursed a little more, before bending over and picking everything up. Sean looked away, mentally slapping himself; 'Don't ogle at your friend like that! You want to ruin things straight off?!' He jumped and snapped out of it when Mark put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" he asked softly. "I um, yeah, 'm alright." Mark nodded and smiled, picking up his messily re-packed suitcase. "Lead the way, Jack!"

           So he did, showing Mark the room he'd scoured with cleaning supplies and the vacuum to make it perfect. Mark set his things down and flopped onto the bed, kicking his shoes off and crawling under the covers. Sean chuckled quietly, setting down a few more of Mark's things that he'd missed. "Oh nooo, yer not tired at all, now are ya?" Mark mumbled something into a pillow, his ref floof all over his face.

            "Heh, guess I'll let ya sleep. I've got some videos to-"

            "Can't you stay..?"

            Sean's looked taken aback. "H-Huh? Mark, I've got my own bed, I'll be fine, heheh.." Sean rubbed the back of his neck. "Aww c'mon, I missed you! You don't at least want to talk before I go to sleep?" Mark rolled over and looked up, grinning. "Alright, then, let's talk." Sean sat down on the edge of the bed. "How have things been in L.A.?" Mark explained that everything had been just fine, but he still remained unlucky in love, as he had been most of his life. "But hey, enough about me, I did come over to see you!" 

            Sean's sky-blue eyes widened a bit. "Oh, ehm, right.." He smiled in a dorky fashion before explaining. He'd gone back to see his family, they were the first ones to figure out Sean's current situation. As a result, there had been no videos for a few days, and since he'd left without much warning, 11 million people suddenly became very worried. So there was that to attend to, both respect and apologies flooding over all of his social media accounts. 

            And the whole time, Mark listened without fail. He didn't yawn, or shift around, and he never took his eyes off of the Irishman before him. He had grown more fond of the man recently, in fact they had become best friends. But he was thinking far beyond that margin. Oh no, Mark was dreaming about loving Sean, better than anyone else ever had, better than this girlfriend and all the rest. He'd come to terms with how unlucky he had been with girls, and he now truly knew why. This /man/ was meant for him. 

           "Ah well, I shouldn't keep ya up with my little ramblings," Sean said, with a half-assed attempt at a smile. Mark sighed, finally prying his chocolate brown eyes off of the other. "I'm, gonna change into something more comfortable, and edit up some videos. I'll come in and check on ya if ya want." Mark took his glasses off and folded them. "Yes, I'd like that." His slightly slack eyelids showed his obvious need for rest. "Alright, and you change too, ya doof! Sleepin' in yer clothes isn't fun." 

            Mark nodded, careful not to spill out his entire suitcase again when he pushed himself up off the bed. He couldn't be happier, at the moment and all those after it. The whole place was Sean's, every bit of decoration or accent was his own. Mark loved every inch of it. He quickly pulled his shirt off, His shoes and jeans following. Sleep shorts, where were they..? He rummaged through his bag, freezing when he heard footsteps once again. He dove into the bed and drew the covers about himself, putting on a performance that was Oscar-worthy.

            Then something amazing happened. Sean had crept into the room and picked up Mark's disheveled suitcase, and then he looked down, right into Mark's seemingly sleeping face. The only thing that gave Mark away was how much his cheeks glowed, after Sean had pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Mark..? You're not asleep, are you...?" 

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