Blood Red Sky

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I woke up with a start. I had that same damn nightmare again- no, not a nightmare, it was reality, my mom died, I was alone. You could never understand what it feels like to live in a living nightmare. Each day fighting for your life, knowing any second you could slip up and make a mistake then- boom, your dead. You probably think, oh gee Summit life must be so fucking horrible, yeah, fucking horrible doesn't even begin to cover it. Like for instance how many of you watched your closet friend, the only reason your alive, slip from your finger tips.

Let me catch you up to speed, yet again.

His name was John. I had know him since I was a little kid, he saved my life too many times for me to count. When you see someone go through the shit storm that he went through, you begin to think their invincible. Ha, fuck invincible.

Three Years Ago:

"Yet again you two fucking idiots forgot to pay up!" Allen, the leader of the best- fuck it he gave us food and shit, spat in my face.

"Sorry Gargoyle Eyes don't come easy my man. If you want to go risk your life to get a nice source of electricity, be my guest." I said smiling. Allen yelled and kicked me in the gut, way to go Sam! John, who's hands were tied to mine, started spewing every cuss word in the english vocabulary at Allen. When my brain figured out John was worried sick about me I automatically sat up without even flinching.

"Oooh, looks like Sammy is ready for more!" Allen chirped doing a stupid little dance. Might I mention that Allen looks like a fucking pencil how skinny and flimsy he is, somehow he still packs a mean ass punch. His long light brown hair fell over his face as he leaned so close to me I got a good whiff of his rotten breath.

"Now Sammy, I don't want to kill you." He said and pulled out a long curved knife from its sheath. Then he began laughing hysterically, like the crazed maniac he was. "Oh, just kidding. I've wanted to kill you for years now! You've been a thorn in my side for far too long!!" He howled and sliced the blade across my cheek. Speaking of thorns, where is my damn Gargoyle when you need him? My cheek stung like hell, however I could tell it wasn't that bad. John didn't see it that way.

"YOU FUCKER! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" John screamed at the top of his lungs, he was sweating and tears where streaming down his face, I'd never seen him like this before. He was always so strong and brave, that's what I liked about him. Seeing him like this, it shattered me. Allen looked furious, he walked away from me and over to John. He grabbed Johns face and glared at him.

"You know what? I'm gonna have a lot of fun killing you." Allen hissed, his voice holding back so much rage. He stood up and started to cut at the rope that held us together. Allen looked to his men.

"Grab her, make sure she doesn't miss a second of this." He snapped at them. I was grabbed and dragged to the other side of the old collapsing room. Concrete rocks scattered the room. I stood speechless as he dragged John to a large hunk of concrete, Allen grabbed John by his head and slammed it into the rock. I cried out and struggled at the two men who held me back. I kicked and screamed, but it was no use. Allen picked up John's limp body by his short black hair that I loved so much, blood was flowing from the forehead that he would tap against mine every time before he gave me a kiss, the crystal blue eyes that woke me up every morning where filled with regret and pain. Allen's laughter filled the room as he smacked John onto the rock again, then pulled him back up so I could see, see the lips that kissed me on the cheek at breakfast every morning, split open and bruised. So I could see the nose that was covered with the freckles I used to count at he slept, broken and distorted. John looked at me and smiled, he raised his hand and pointed towards the sky, what we did every morning before we went out, it's how we say If we don't make it I'll see you on the other side. I struggled my arm free and did the same before my arm was pulled back my rough cursed hands. Allen smiled as my hope faded away, he started to repeatedly pound John's head into the rock, blood splattered across the room as he continually did this until he got bored. Allen threw my precious love's body to the side and licked the blood off his hand. He then looked at me in concern.

"Awww, Sammy, did I kill your little boyfriend." The monster said. Monster, I thought the monsters where the Gargoyles, no, no the monsters where the ones who where here all along. We where the monsters. I am a monster, this was my fault. I threw down the man to my left the kicked the one to my right. Now he's all mine. I charged at Allen, grabbing and pushing as hard as I could to the window, Allen kicked and screamed at his guards, but I kept pushing. I slammed him and myself against the glass, it shattered and we tumbled down. I smiled knowing I would see my beloved again and that this monster would burn in hell. As I looked to the sky a shadow covered the sun, it swooped down to me until I was in reach. Then he wrapped his claws around me and pushed up. I cried out in agony knowing the sweet release of death had been stolen from me. Thorn flew me to a nearby rooftop. As soon as we landed I rushed toward the side so I could jump, Thorn grabbed my leg with his paws and I fell. He walked over to me and wrapped his wing over me as I cried and hugged him. I didn't want to live, but I had too, for my mom, for John, for everyone else I had lost. I had to fight for them.

There, now we're all caught up on my horrible backstory I call everyday life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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