Some Days

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  • Dedicated to Unio James

I stood on the roof. Thorn flew around. The sky was jet black not a star, not a moon. Black. The only light was the glowing red eyes of the gargoyles and the turquoises glow emitting from my hoverborad. I pushed my hoverborad off the edge of the roof, like a log on water, it floated in the air. I stood up and put one of my feet on the broad then the other. I stood on it looking down on the dark city. A fire was on the ground. People in a circle. I wanted to trust people but I couldn't. I can only trust Thorn. I thought looking on the city I used to hear story's about what it was like before. From mom, I missed mom. I missed it when she stroked my neon red hair. I missed it when she taught me how to ride a hoverborad. I missed it when she called my name. I just wish I had more time. I moved across the sea of air slowly looking down. I tear streeked down my face. Thinking about mom, It was so long ago. That they came and took her from me. I thought about that day.

10 years ago

I sat in my room playing with my hair a drawing of me and mommy playing in the flowers was on the table. It was for mommy. She liked drawings. Mommy walked in and closed the door. I threw myself over the drawing so she couldn't see.

"What are you hiding?" She said putting her hands on her hips but still had a smile on her face.

"It's a surprise! You can't look at it yet!" I yelled scared she was gonna see it. I was scared of the Gargoyles but the government controlled them. We where safe. Daddy was in the military. He fought the gargoyles.

"Ok you little goofball. I'll wait to see your surprise." Mommy said walking out of the room to cook dinner. Suddenly I heard a huge explosion. I ran and looked out the window. A huge orange yellow light covered the city. I watched in fear as gargoyles flew through the air. Attacking people and ripping them apart limb from limb. I heard my mother scream as a gargoyle crashed through the window. With its claws it slashed at my mothers chest she fell to the floor and slowly looked up at me.

"Fight..." She said weakly coughing and taking her last breath. I stared in horror at my moms dead body. As the gargoyle approached me a golden gargoyle covered in thorny vines flew thought the window and attacked the stone gargoyle, it smashed the stone gargoyles head and it cracked into pieces of stone. The folder gargoyle looked at my dead mom then to me holding my drawing of me and mom. it carefully picked me up and flew out the window.

"MOMMY!" I cried out tears streaking down my face. I saw my father run up to the window with his glowing sword in his hand.

"SUMMIT!" He yelled out. Soon he was out of my sight. The golden gargoyle looked down at me with something that could be a smile, but not the smile of evil that most gargoyles have, but a kind smile. I looked at his kind face and forced a smile back.

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