The Rooftops.

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  • Dedicated to Unio James

I stood on top of the roof. Looking down on the crumbling city. I jumped to a nearby building. My bag of things lay on the ground. I picked it up and stood on my hoverborad. I steered it off the roof. I put my goggles over my eyes. I flew over the city. I saw a flare on a roof nearby. I reached inside my coat and grabbed my gun. I landed on the roof. There was a dead body on the ground. Red smoke came from the eyes of the gargoyles.

"Shit." I said running to the edge of the roof. The gargoyles moved from there spots and ran after me. I jumped off the edge of the roof. Two gargoyles jumped after me. I shot one in the head and I blasted apart. I shot the other then quickly perched myself on the hoverborad.

Okay, let me get you up to speed. A long time ago everyone in the city disappeared. What happened to them is unsure, but right after, gargoyles came to life and killed everyone who dare come near them. But there are some gargoyles that won't kill you. Golden gargoyles, they protect you instead of killing you. Some people, like me, live with golden gargoyles, they stay with us and keep us safe. I saw a golden wolf like gargoyle. Thorn, was his name. He was my protector. I landed down beside him and pet his solid smooth face. He was like half lion half wolf. He can't speak if you were wondering. But who cares, he's badass! I put my goggles back around my neck.

"What do you wanna do today Thorn? Kill some stone gargoyles, look for supplies, find survivors?" I asked looking at Thorn. He perked up on the last one.

"Survivors it is!" I cheered. I flew my hoverborad to the ground, Thorn has wings. I landed on the ground and shoved my hoverborad into my backpack. I looked around for flares. I saw a green light coming from a building a few blocks down.

"There." I said pointing to the light. Thorn looked to the light. I hopped on his back. He ran over to the light. I hopped off as we got closer. I put up my hand in motion for Thorn to stay. I pulled out my guns and walked into the building. I walked up one flight of stairs. Four people sat in a circle.

A girl with a buzzcut pulled out a knife, the others pulled out there own weapons. One of the men shot at me, he had crappy aim. The girl ran over to me, she threw her arm forward with the knife. I grabbed her arm and twisted it until I heard a snap. The girl fell on the ground screaming holding her arm. I smiled as one of the men ran over to me. I jumped in the air and kicked him in the face with both feet. I fell on the ground as the other two men ran over to me. I kicked one in the leg and he fell over. I quickly stood up and punched the last man in the face. I shot them all except the girl.

"Get up!" I snapped. She slowly stood up. "Don't trust people. All your friends where slaves to gargoyles. They would kill you in your sleep. How long have you known them?"

"Just since yesterday." She said.

"Find a golden gargoyle and never go anywhere without it. In a month, come find me." I said and walked out the building. I pulled out my hoverborad and flew off into the sunset that this city was so well known for to go find out what the hell I'm gonna do next.

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