Catfishing Kjellin

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Soon we began sharing the most hilarious, messed up thoughts we could think of on how to prank Kjellin.

"Haha, what if we walked down the sidewalk in front of his house and he looked out and saw us." I joked.

Asa began, "Or what if we showed up at his doorstep and knocked on his door. Wonder what he'd say."

After only jokingly making up funny incidents, an extremely funny thought came to mind that we might actually could pull off.

"Or or, what if we created a fake Instagram to kind of cyber-stalk him. You know? Pretend to be someone else to ask him questions and keep up with him. It would be desperate of me to ask all the questions myself!"

Asa gave me a clever look for a moment. "Yeah, yeah! We could actually do that!"

"You don't think it would be too crazy? Or he would find us out?" I questioned.

"No! Just google a cute girl that you would think he'd like and change up your way of talking in text! Kjellin pretty much accepts everyone's follow requests on Instagram!"

A gigantic smile grew on my face and I glanced up at Asa, "Okay!"
I reached over and snatched my phone from atop my dresser.

"Alright so what should her username be?"

"It should be Starwars something." Asa replied.

"Well I know NOTHING about Starwars so... we'll come back to that. What about her name?"

"Hmm... Make it cute whatever it is!" She laughed.

"How about... Lillian? That's cute and... How about her username? Maybe it could be something like... Starwars_lovely?"

As I typed in all of her information and used Asa's second e-mail to start the account, the smile on my face grew bigger and bigger. He would fall in love with this girl. She was just like him, only she would be fictional.
I looked up pictures of cute, nerdy, almost emo like girls that I thought would catch his eye. Finally, after about half an hour of searching... I found the perfect girl.
She had purply pink dyed hair, cat whiskers drawn in marker on her face, and the prettiest eyes any guy could fall for.
In her bio, I made sure to include the fact that she was new to Instagram. She loved Star Wars; the show, The Office; Cats; and she had just graduated, just like Kjellin. She was his dream girl. But I was not certain that was a good thing. I still liked him. I began to doubt our decision.

"Asa, what if it turns out he likes her, like, really likes her."

"Isn't that a good thing? We want him notice her, to be curious, to look more into who she is. Right?"

"Yes, but I'm not so sure how it would make me feel since I still like him. I don't think I could get over him as long as I live." I sighed.

Asa grabbed my phone and looked at Lillian's profile. "Well, put it this way, we've heard people talk about how he plays girls and can't you sort of agree he stopped caring about you?" Asa asked.
I nodded looking down. "We get to see if he really is a player. If he would waste his time falling for a girl miles away and if so, for how long? Is he going to talk to her for a few weeks then give up like he did you? Or, is he really going to want to meet this girl? Maybe he just wants to find someone more like him?" Asa concluded.

"That's so true, Asa." I had no words.
Everything that had started as a joke, ended too serious for me to ever imagine. But, of course, it would be funny and interesting knowing that we would have to keep our cover as a nerd girl named Lillian. That night Asa and I mainly focused on gaining followers on Instagram so we did not seem so suspicious.

By the next morning Lillian had gained about 20 followers and went ahead and sent Kjellin a follow request. Lillian was new to Instagram so it made since for her to only have a few followers. We just knew that she needed at least some.
Later that day Asa had left and a few days had gone by before Kjellin came to finally accept Lillian's request and followed her back. After seeing that he had, I texted Asa in a hurry to tell her. We had Lillian's account set up on both of our phones so we could always view it.
I gave Kjellin a short spam of liking his pictures from Lillian and not even 2 minutes later he had actually messaged her first!
"Alright, well I just slightly spammed." He said with a laughing emoji.
I looked at my notification icon to find that he had liked the only 2 pictures I had on my account. I sent laughing faces back in return.
"I see you like the show The Office. I love that show!" he replied.
"Oh yes! It is my favorite! Who is your favorite character?" I typed back with a smile on my face.
"I like Dwight and Michael. What about you?"
"Dwight has to be my favorite! He is hilarious!"

Out of all the things "Lillian liked", The Office was the only thing I really knew much about and liked myself, so we talked for a few more days talking more about the show and nerdy stuff I knew that he loved. I stayed cautious about the way I worded things and the emojis I used in fear that some things I said might remind him of mine and his conversations. I also made sure not to follow anyone I knew. After a while he began asking more personal questions like where I was from, where I went to school, and where I worked. At one point, he even asked to have Lillian's phone number, but I could not give him that so, I just said, "Don't take this personal or the wrong way, but I don't know you that well." I asked him personal questions like, if he had any siblings and where he went to school. Throughout the whole "catfishing" plan, I found that he told multiple lies about himself. They were not big lies that would affect how I felt about him. I just thought they were ridiculous lies. After a while, it became a daily routine to talk to him. If I had not heard from him in a few days, he eventually came around to send her a message. It is very difficult to put it into words how our conversations went, but they were clever.

Asa and I kept this up for about a month, but throughout that time, Lillian became more and more attracted to him while, I became more and more bitter against him. He seemed almost in love with Lillian, a fictional character. She was just like him, but did not really exist. I started thinking about exactly what Asa had said we could test: whether he was really a player like everyone else always said. This showed me exactly how easily he thinks he can pull a girl in to his traps, but this time, he really had stars in his eyes for her. It was not like small flirts with the girl as it was with me, it was almost like he expected to hear from her everyday. He loved the fact that she had everything in common with him. Something that I never had.

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