One Last Torture For The Road

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"Rise and shine, idiot!" Neko laughed hysterically.

He mumbled under the tape still sleepily but, once he realized it was Neko he became wide awake. Neko's crazy grin could scare even the toughest of people, because no one ever knew what she might do next.

"Now, we will take the tape off, but you can't yell or we will punish you." Asa said in a serious voice. Then he nodded as if he understood.

Once I pulled the tape off I gritted my teeth just knowing he would try to yell and go crazy since he was somewhere new. Of course... he did. He let out a loud yell for help, so loud it could bust your ear drums.

I quickly placed the tape back on his mouth and slapping his face so harshly blood was running from his nose. Asa and Neko jumped to do the same. "What are we gonna do if they heard him???" We all said in a panic. Suddenly footsteps came closer and closer once again. We could hear them running up the stairs and through the rooms to Neko's back room. All of us cringed. The door swung open swiftly.... "What is going on he...." It was Brother Dearest Weston. He looked so puzzled.

"Okay, never mind..." He said calmly leaving and shutting the door.

"WAIT." Neko exclaimed, "Don't tell mom and dad."

He glanced once again at tied up Kjellin. "Why would I do that?" He laughed.

"Well, we have a teenage boy tied up in my bedroom." She replied in shock.

"Yeah... you must not know all the things that go on in my room." He laughed shuting the door once more.

"Wait..." he opened it back up again, "Is that Kjellin?"

"Yeah?" Asa replied questionably.

"Okay." He nonchalantly replied and left.

I glanced over at Kjellin still trying to recover of his bloody nose and being slapped three times. "Y'all have to take him back soon!..." Neko commanded, "But... we have to do one more thing to him." The three of us began to crowd around Kjellin and he sat back in his chair nervously.

"But what?" Asa inquired.

"How about we let him hear the torturing of his little 'true love' Lillian?" Neko sniggered.

I looked at her with concern in my eyes, "Well first you have to tell Asa and I where you hid her for us!" I replied nervously.

"I have a better idea!" Asa began, "Let's not just let him hear the torture of Lillian... Let's embarrass him to no end." She had the largest smile I had ever seen on her face. "I'll be back!" She ran out the room, sneaking back down to the basement.

"You see Kjellin, you just don't play girls the way you do, because every now and then you mess with the wrong, crazy girls and they'll do terrible things back to you, but worse." I whispered in his ear.

Asa came back in but with her bag and then pulled out her red lipstick.... Oh goodness.

By the near end of the day, Neko's parents were leaving to go run an errand and she told them, when they got back she might be gone "to go see one of us" since no one except Weston knew we were even at her house. It would be the perfect allaby to finish up the job. After they left, Weston helped Asa and I lift still tied up Kjellin down the stairs and out to Neko's car while she carried his stuff.

"No! Leave me his trench coat and emoji pillow..." I insisted.

"Why??" Neko questioned.

"Because the trench coat is cool and I want my emoji pillow back. He doesn't deserve it!" I said. She shrugged and handed them to me."

After closing the trunk Neko began to whisper, "What we are gonna do is going to be hilarious. We are just going to drive down my road a bit near a field and farther from houses and we are gonna make noises and screams and pretend we are hurting Lillian. Simple as that. He never even has to see her! Oh! And Asa, go get the baseball bat too. I'm gonna try to fix this mess you two started." Neko rolled her eyes, "You're welcome!"

I threw the trench coat back on and hopped in the passenger side and Asa hopped in the backseat with the baseball bat. Had we turned into a mofia???

I had been all the way down Neko's road before even to when it turned into gravel, but just the creepy thought of it being at night and pitch black. We were the criminals but, we were just teenage girls!! There could have been worse criminals hiding in those woods!!

"Here is a flashlight!" Neko said handing it to me. I glared at her as I took it, not wanting to step a foot outside that car and into the darkness. "What? Are you scared?? Scared someone is gonna kidnap y'all??" Neko laughed. Though I didn't think it was funny at all. (Well maybe a little now that I think about it.) Asa got out and found a huge, old piece of tin laying on the ground by the edge of the cotton field. She took her baseball bat and began hitting it against the piece of tin. It was SO loud that it sounded like a gun shot. Neko began screaming at the top of her lungs. I shined my flashlight around the field realizing everything was okay. And I started laughing uncontrollably and the two acting like phsycos out in the cotton field. Asa would bang on the tin and Neko would scream bloody murder over and over again. Kjellin was so scared and upset the car was shaking from him jerking around.

"LILLIAN!" He would yell. "DON'T, DON'T HURT HER!!! LILLIAN!



Suddenly, we heard sirens. "THE POLICE!" Asa screamed with tears in her eyes. "SOMEONE MUST HAVE HEARD US." Asa started to cry. "I CAN'T GO TO JAIL I JUST CAN'T!"

"The neighbors must have heard the screaming and banging and called 911!" Neko shouted.

"Quick, hand me your baseball bat, Asa!" I nervously stuttered. She threw it to me in a hurry. I opened the trunk to find the tape off of Kjellin's mouth and red lipstick smeared all in the carpet of Neko's trunk. He looked like a deer in headlights looking at the face of the devil as I shined the flashlight right into his face. "You should have known." Were my last words to him before I knocked him out cold with the bat, slammed the trunk and we took off down Neko's road in the opposite direction of the sirens and headed back into the city to take him home.

Our plan was not certain in that of not getting caught by the police but, it is the best we could do. We arrived back at his house late that night maybe around 11:30 taking all the back roads we could find to try to lose the cops or cause them to loose our trail (if they happened to be following us.) All we hoped was that it would work out like all cartoons, we hit him so hard he would just lose his memory of it all. We backed Neko's car up into his drive way and unloaded him out of the car untied and with his bag of clothes.

There we left him lying in his front yard under the street light, his face smeared in make up and red lipstick and in his underwear.


The 3 girls never got caught kidnapping Kjellin, but for a good couple months, they had no idea what ended up happening to him. If he even remembered anything? If he told his parents? The girls had no clue of anything....

Until Boo went back to school for her first day of her Senior year. :)


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