Story Time

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As the night dragged on, Asa and I found ourselves rading all of Neko's kitchen cabinets, searching for food and taking turns sleeping and watching Kjellin. He received several texts from his mom and I made sure to answer as him immediately so she would not be suspicious.

"Can I at least have some water?" Kjellin yelled to Asa as she came down the stairs.

"Yeah I'll give you some water!" Asa laughed turning around and running back up the stairs. After hearing Asa's evil laugh, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to get up and go see what she was up to.

Walking in the kitchen I noticed Asa turning odd knobs connected to the kitchen sink.

"Oh Asa! Are you giving him kangen water?!?" I asked staring down at the filling cup.

"Yes! You know the effects of it right?!?"

"Of course! Haha!"

"That's why!" She smiled at me giving a glaring look.

It was genius, pure genius. It was cruel, but interesting. After returning down in the basement Asa handed me the glass to give Kjellin a drink. I smiled at him mysteriously and about to begin laughing as he took the first drink. He glanced up to me as he drank, as if he knew it tasted funny, but he was so thirsty, he didn't care what kind of water it was.

After finishing the glass, he questioned, "Okay, I know you did something to the water. What kind of water was that?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and find out!" Asa laughed.

"Are you guys trying to kill me?" He asked again.

"Nah, if we wanted to kill you, we would have already done it." I smiled.

"It's my shift now, Asa. You can go to sleep if you want." I told Asa.

A little while later, I heard Kjellin's stomach began making strange noises.

"Hey I feel really nauseous. If you don't want me puking all over the carpet, you better let me go to the bathroom!" He commanded.

"Yeah, but don't get your hopes up about escaping, honey." I hissed.

Luckily, while preparing to kidnap Kjellin, I thought through the senerio of when he needed to use the bathroom. I had unscrewed the doorknob and put it on backwards so that the lock was on the outside on the door. This made mine and Asa's job even easier. The bathroom had no windows so there could be no other escape routes for him.

I untied his hands from the chair and Asa got up to help me watch him in case he chose to escape. Once we got him in the bathroom, Kjellin ran inside as we we slammed the door and locked it. Asa and I could hear the sound of Kjellinthrowing up in there. It was a pretty discussing sound but, Asa's evil laugh drowned out the sound of it. I was beginning to think Asa was more evil than I was at that moment.

"What..." Kjellin yelled out in between puking. "What did you two put in that water? This is the most aweful I have felt in a while."

"Oh nothing. It was just a little poison I stirred up in there." Asa laughed again. I looked at her in disbelief of her evilness. She was usually so sweet.

Kjellin eventually stopped puking and we moved him back to his seat in the basement's living room. As it reached 6am, the 3 of us had gotten no sleep at all.

"You know, once I can get in touch with those cops, I'm gonna tell them the whole story of how psycho you guys are and what you put me through." Kjellin ranted to us.

"Well, your little story ain't over yet, now is it?" I smiled.

"You think you're invincible don't you, Boo? You think that y'all will never let me go and never get caught. Well you're wrong."

"Someone woke up salty this morning didn't they?" I laughed.

"No! I didn't! I didn't even sleep! And you know why I'm so salty? Because I had two girls kidnap me, stuff me in their trunk, and tie me up in a basement!"

"First of all, you deserve this. Second, oh no, we aren't going to get caught. Don't you worry." I said stroking his face. "And speaking of telling someone a story, Asa do you want to hear a funny story?"

Asa nodded in excitement while Kjellin sat uncomfortably like he knew the story was about him.

"This story might be embarrassing for someone in the room, but you know I have to tell it!" "Once upon a time, there was a little 12 year old, nerd boy named Kjellin He was just playing in his backyard one day when he heard a strange noise come from around the front of his house. He peeked around to see a strange man trying to pick the lock to his front door..."

"Boo! Don't you dare tell the rest of that story!" He said attempting to be intimidating even though he was TIED TO A CHAIR BY TWO TEENAGE GIRLS.

"Oh what is stopping me though Kjellin? We haven't gotten to the best part yet!" "Anyway, Kjellin didn't have a gun or any other harmful weapon other than... A POCKET KNIFE." I dramatically reached into my pocket pulling out the pocket knife covered in Kjellin's blood.

"BOO STOP IT NOW!" Kjellin yelled once more.

I got up from my seat and began putting on a show for the two acting out every word I spoke.

"A little itty bitty Spider-Man pocket knife. Kjellin slowly came up behind the man attempting to break in his house. And you want to know what he with the knife?.."

"YAS YAS YAS." Asa yelled.

"NOO BOO! SHUT UP!" Kjellin yelled.

"HE STABBED HIM IN THE BUTT... OHHHH HOW THE MAN YELLED OUT IN PAAAAAIIIIN, AGONY. OHHHH" I yelled flopping out in the floor dramatically.

I sat up quickly, "Luckily, Kjellin's dad was a cop and he came out to the rescue! Kjellin wanted his knife back so badly, but the sad part was when Kjellin's dad came out, he handcuffed the man and made him sit on Kjellin's poor little Spider-Man knife. THE END"

By the time I finished the story, Asa was rolling around laughing on the floor and Kjellin looked as if I had just killed his puppy.

I bowed with pride in my eyes, "Thank you, thank you."

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