Visits hurt

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Stacy's POV
I got up today early it was a school day and I just wasn't ready to go back to school yet and I told my mom I'll explain it to her later but Scott missed school today to take me to go see Alonzo so I was kinda happy when we got there to the station.

"Ok"Scott said as he pulled up at the station.

"Ok"I said taking a deep breath as I got out the car as me and Scott walked into the station up to a guard by the desk with the name tagged Pete.

"Um do you have someone here named Alonzo burns"? I asked the guard named Pete.

"Yes we do should I go get him for a visit"? Pete asked as he looked on his computer.

"Yes that would be nice" I told him while Scott just held my hand.

"Ok so he's in that room" Pete said pointing to a white door.

"Ok thank you"I said politely smiling at him.

"You ready"? Scott asked opening the white door.

"Yeah" I said walking in with Scott and once I spotted Alonzo I walked towards his table.

"Stacy"? Alonzo said as he looked up at me.

"Yeah it me" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh and you" Alonzo said looking over at Scott.

"So how you doing"? I asked so he could look over at me.

"Good I'm not in jail they just giving me a phycologist for my anger problems"Alonzo said smiling.

"So your OK"? I asked again.

"Yeah" Alonzo said shaking his head.

"Oh I thought you were mad at me" I said being honest as he shook his head no.

"No in fact I'm glad you did this thank you" Alonzo said smiling once again a smile I haven't seen in a year.

"Your welcome" is aid feeling better about the situation.

"So I'll see you in 2months they'll let me go"Alonzo said as he got up.

"At school?" I asked.

"Yeah at school and better"he said walking over to the guard as they took him away.

"Now you ok"? Scott asked smiling.

"Yes but I think its time I tell my mom" in said in a worried voice.

"Yeah you should" he said as we walked out the building.

"I just think shell be mad" I said as I got in the car.

"Trust me she would understand" Scott said slightly calming me down.

"I hope" I said smiling at him.
By the time Scott dropped me off at home I was kinda nervous until I walked through the door of my house.

"Now are you going to tell me what's been going on"? My mom asked standing in the kitchen once I got in.

"Yes so remember that detective"? I asked her.

"Yeah" my mom said confused.

"Well he was asking me questions about Alonzo" I said and she looked even more confused.

"Alonzo what about him"? She asked curious.

"He used to beat on me" I said looking away as she gasped.

"What"!she said hurt .

"And he chocked taresa she had called the cops so now he's arrested and today I went to go visit him he's better now and gets out in 2months with anger management" I said finally telling the truth.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you" my mom said hugging me as she cryed.

"Its ok cause u met Scott and he's the best boyfriend I ever had" I said smiling at the thought.

"Ok I'm just still sorry" my mom said apologizing.

"Everything's ok now"I told her as she nodded her head and we was fine the whole day.

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