Chapter 5

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-Megan's perspective-

After awhile of me and Luke talking and goofing off. We got into my car and I started to drive to the hotel where we were having Luke's party. I started to call Jazmin and she answered.

"Hey we're on our way" I said.

"Okay everything is ready" she says.

"Awesome! Thanks."

"No problem babes." She says before hanging up.

"Who did you call?" Luke asked.


"Oh okay" he says chuckling a bit.
"So where are we headed this time?" He says confused.

"A place to meet up with Jazmin."

"Why her?" He said.

"Because she's our friend and we love her." I reminded him.

"I may love her but I don't have to like her."

"Whatever you say Lucas" I laugh knowing he hates being called Lucas.


After awhile we finally arrive.

"A hotel? Why are we meeting up at a hotel?" Luke asks.

"Because it keeps us away from home so we can hangout."

"Well" he says getting out.

"Yep." I laugh.

-Jazmin's perspective-

After Megan called me and Ashton rushed to get close on and made sure everything looked nice. After awhile a few people showed up. I sat on the end of the bed and waited for a text saying they were here. Ashton sat beside me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Your face looks like there is something on your mind. Is there?" He asks caring.

"No" I deny even though there is, but I didn't want to talk about it. Not here. Not now.

"You sure?"

"Yeah" I assure him.

Finally I get the text before jumping up.

"Quick! Everyone hide. Luke and Megan are on their way up." I said while rushing on the other side of the bed and hiding. With Ashton following beside me. All of a sudden I hear the door open and everyone jumps out and shouts.

"Happy Birthday!" Very loudly.

Luke starts chuckling because we gave him a bit of a jump scare.

"You guys scared me!" He chuckles more. "Thank you all so much"

"Don't thank us we just showed up. It was Megan's idea" a random person says.

Luke looks at Megan who is standing beside him. "You did this?"

"With the help of Jazmin of course."

"Thank you. It's the best thing anyone has done for me" he says smiling big.

"You deserve it." Megan tell him.

"And thank you, you butt muncher" he says making his way towards me and hugs me" I smile a bit before telling him, "get off of me before you smother me" pushing him off. "And your welcome." I say patting myself off.

As of that. Everyone danced and had a good time. Until I seen Megan walking out onto the balcony. I follow her out.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing" she say.

"Okay, now I know when you're lying." She chuckles a bit.

"I know you do and it's stupid so I don't really want to say."

"Just tell me."

"Well me and Luke kissed. Then he asked me out." She tells me.

"Really!? Oh my gosh that's amazing! What did you say?" I get excited.

"I said yes of course" she laughs.

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothing really. I'm just anxious. But when I was in there he didn't introduce me to his guy friends as his girlfriend. He just said 'oh, that's Megan." She sighed.

"Well you gotta give him time to get use to it. It just happened today." I say.

"True." A smile appears on her face. "I just got to give it time. Thanks Jazz!" She says hugging me.

"You're welcome. Now get back in there." I smile as she walks back in there but I stay behind and look out. Suddenly hands grabs my waist and I jump a bit. Turning around seeing that it was Ashton.

"Hey beautiful." He said softly in my ear.

"Hey" I smile biggly. "Did you miss me" I joked.

"Badly" he says.

"So what are we?" I asked

"What do you mean?"

"Nevermind." I said walking back inside.

After a few hours more. Jazmin only making small talk with Ashton avoiding the conversation they had earlier. Everyone left but Megan and Luke. Ashton drove Jazmin home.

-Ashton's perspectiv-

"You know you haven't said a word since you got in this car." I said while driving.

"Yeah I know." She said

"Why haven't you?"

"I just don't want to talk" she says being a stubborn ass.

"Why not. Ever since we had that-" she cuts me off.

"It's nothing okay just focus on driving and getting me home." She snaps.

"Okay I'm sorry."

We finally get to hers and she gets out. I wanted to walk her to her door but she seemed to bad at me. So I didn't. I just watched her walk inside before driving off.

-Megan's perspective-

"I had a really good time. I can't believe you did this all for me." Luke says.

"Like I said. You deserve it." I said while cleaning up and throwing garbage in a trash bag I carried around in my hand. He grabbed my arm gently.

"Here. Let me clean up. You went through the trouble of making this happen so let me clean it up."

"It's fine. It was no trouble" I smiled.

"Well I wanna at least help." He said grabbing the trash bag.

"Fine" I giggle.

After awhile of cleaning everything up we both flop down on the bed exhausted.

"Dang. Who knew people could be that messy." I said laughing.

"Yeah I know right. Hey! Come here." He said pulling me closer to him cuddling me while I giggle. After a few minutes we pass out. Tired and wore out.

----Authors note----

Soooo sorry for it taking an extremely long time to update. I honestly thought it sucked so I didn't continue. But hey! I got a lot of time and I will continue this story. I hope you all honestly enjoy it. Please leave a comment letting me know. I love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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