A new case Pt 2

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Okay , there is mention of rape and torture so I just want to make sure my readers are okay with that kind of thing before you read it . So this is your warning!

dean's P.O.V.

My heart was pounding as I ran trying to catch up to where Johanna was. I couldn't let this happen, not to her, not without telling her.
"Nooo!" I screamed as Johanna was knocked to the ground and picked up in a flash. I ran as fast as I could , pushing myself beyond my limit and leaving Sammy in my dust

Too slow...

Too late...

I watched as she was whisked away by that blood sucking rat . He took off into the woods with her . My legs ached and felt like they were on fire and for the first time in awhile I felt real fear. Fear for what would happen to Johanna if I stopped running, fear of what he would do to her, fear she would be gone, fear for her , not me , her , and only her. I stopped as I reached the spot Johanna was once at . I placed my hands on my knees at looked at the ground. I heard Sam's feet thudding as he ran . They got louder as he got closer. They stopped as he was beside me . Sam in any situation is all about research and analysis , he immediately started searching the area. I composed myself, caught my breath and started looking.

"dean?" Sam called

My head shot around,"what?! did you find anything ?!"
Sam held up a single diamond and I immediately searched for one. I found one , then another, then another. Johanna left a trail, now that's my girl.

Johanna's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked around . I could hear everything , my heart was pounding so loud I could hear it in my head. I felt like I was on some crazed PCP trip that wasn't ending mixed with the worst hangover possible. My vision blurred and I closed my eyes  , shook my head and reopened them, my vision was better. I looked at my body , blood was covering my legs , the bottom half of my dress was gone .... I heard footsteps and my head snapped up and saw the man who brought me here, I couldn't quite remember his name .

"ah my darling, you're awake." he said in a low whisper
"I'm not you're darling ." I snapped

He snickered and smirked," you are now . You are mine , you are like me now "

I worked out what he was saying, he turned me,and ..... He had his way with me , but there is no way I have fed yet." shit." I whispered
"time to make it official" he said and pulled a blood bag off of a cart. I snapped my mouth shut , I just had to stop from feeding until Dean and Sam got there.

He walked close to me and tried to open my mouth," come on don't play coy"
I sneered and bit his hand , immediately shutting my mouth again.

"Bitch!" he screamed, his thumb was dangling , hanging onto the hand by a single muscle. I laughed at him and spit blood out of my mouth.
"I'm not your darling , i'm not your fucking sex doll ,and I sure as hell ain't gonna be a vampire." I said with my blood shot eyes staring directly into his emerald ones. He knew I was weak and that I was tempted to give in but he also knew the Winchester's were gonna find me eventually and if he didn't break me soon he would have a problem.

"You will learn,"He took a step closer,"you will break," another step closer," and you ," his face was now directly in front of me," will be mine !" His hand grabbed my neck and tightened around it , everything sort of faded out . He let me go and my vision snapped back as I took a deep breath in . His head turned as if he heard something. His gaze turned back to me and he snarled and grabbed my entire body, I had nothing to leave a trail with . I was weaker then before . I couldn't fight, I knew Dean was here when I heard his heart beating a thousand miles a minute as soon as he entered the building. I used all the strength I had left and looked him in the eye fighting all my new instincts not to jump and kill him , to finally taste blood and let three words slip out...

"don't give up..." and I passed out

Deans P.O.V

Sammy and I made our way through the trail of diamonds and we ran straight into the door of some abandoned factory. We shared soulful looks and with great determination looked up and down for signs of a trap and then with forceful determination opened the door . (( I really hope you guys get that reference.))  Immediately we heard talking and followed the noise , I perked up when I heard Johanna's voice I could only pick up a little.
"not...darling...your... sex doll... vampire."

Sam heard as much as I did, i looked at him and nodded . We both quickened our pace and soon I saw Johanna's legs her bottom half was bare except for blood , I couldn't tell if it was hers. It hit me as to why she was half naked . I was filled with rage and when his hand gripped her neck I went to bolt out there and stop him but Sammy pulled me back , I was fighting against his strength best I could, making a lot of noise in the process. If only I hadn't been so dumb Johanna wouldn't of gotten swept away again to be tortured,raped, maybe even turned. I fell to the floor as soon as I heard those last words. What does she mean don't give up? Never mind what she meant I had to find her , and this time there would be no trail. I let one tear fall down my cheek and stood up walking past Sammy and out to baby. I got in the car and Sammy got in shortly after . Not a word was said the whole way back to the bunker . We started looking for her immediately .Nights turned to days , days turned to weeks and there were no leads.......

Sorry this is late, the holiday really got me behind on everything since I wasn't home and I was away from my computer. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Wait till you read next week's. It is happy and peaceful finally . A little smut to.

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