The New Case Pt 3

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                                                                                        1 YEAR LATER

Dean's P.O.V.

I shot up in a matter of seconds . I caught my breath and laid back down, another nightmare. It was me chasing Johanna but never catching up. I looked over at Sammy he was still hard at work trying to find a lead on Johanna.Without her I had become quite distant, focusing only on Johanna.
"what time is it?" I asked groggily

"4 in the morning." Sam responded with a yawn.

I groaned," any luck ?" I ask with almost no hope in my voice.

Sam kept reading but till gave a response, " no, not ye-Dean!" Sam looked up frantically," I know where they are ." He immediately stood up , grabbed his jacket and ran to the car. I did the same, grabbing the weapon duffel bag on the way out.

I got in the car as soon as possible,"where?" is all I said in a monotone voice.

"Lancaster Pennsylvania." he said and sighed, Lancaster was the town Johanna was born in , I should've known .

Johanna's P.O.V.

Today marked one year after I had been captured by that vamp. He had taken me to a nest and each of the blood sucking demons had their way with me, weather they needed food or sick enjoyment. I have been fighting off drinking any blood. I am weak, too weak to fight back,run,walk, or even stand. I have been waiting for dean to find me but I can't help but think they have given up. A random vamp came over to me , a sick look on his face. As he walked close I spit on his face.
"Bitch!Toys don't fight back!" he yelled and pushed my head to the side as he bit into my neck, it didn't hurt at this point, i was so used to it. Vamps come in everyday to do whatever they want to me . At this point my only hope is the Winchesters, the men that even still , I trust with my life.

Dean's P.O.V.

I was cruising down the street at what seemed to be record breaking speeds. Sam was barking out directions as I took sharp turns, almost flipping baby over a few times. Finally we reached where Sammy thought Johanna was. Sam got the entire arsenal out of the car and tossed me a sawed off shot gun and a machete. We stormed through the door guns blazing and heart racing . The two of use , fighting the bad guys, just like the god ole days . No grey areas just black and white.Mission , kill all the vamps and save the love of my life . A whole year without her warm touch has worn me down. I needed to know she was okay, i needed her in my arms once more.

My P.O.V. 

I was finally alone for the day , it was quiet until i heard guns.




One after another, after another , after another. I jerked up from my slouched sitting position . I wasn't sure what was going one but I could hear two heart beats. They had to be hunters , what other two human beings would come into a vamps . I wondered if it was Sam and Dean, had they finally come for me? Was it all finally over? Tears of hope pricked at my eyes. I called out loudly,

 " HELP!". I screamed at the top of my lungs , hoping , praying for help .

 It hit me that if it was dean out there she might not be able to control herself. She had never fed and she was never around anything alive and moving. I didn't care , i needed out , they could save me , they knew how to turn me back. 

"Please!" I yelled again,"Help!"

Anyone in the house could hear , they could hear the pain and sadness in my voice . Everything that has happened to me finally hit me in one wave . 

Dean's P.O.V.

Blood was everywhere , we were surrounded by decapitated bodies . Our machetes were dull and we were out of ammo . Everything had grown still once all the bodies were dropped, it was silent for a plit second before we heard a blood curdling scream . I could tell the voice was Johanna's , but it was different. It was weak and worried . Not her once confident and strong tone . 
"Johanna! Where are you ?" I yelled back in my loudest voice possible.I started running like a chicken without its head. I searched and searched. All i needed to do was hear her voice once more time and i would be able to follow it.

My P.O.V. 

I heard what i immediately knew was dean's voice.
"Over here !" I yelled with whatever energy I had left. Hopefully it would be enough for him to find me . I fell back into my slouched position. I hadn't yelled that much in a long time. I was smaller then before , weaker then i had ever been. Any movement was a chore so doing all of that was like being tortured all over again. I relaxed into my spot and waited to be found, if he could find me.

Dean's P.O.V. 

I heard her voice the second she called out . I ran like my life depended on it, not even realizing Sammy was behind me the whole time i was looking  . I ran and ran till I  came upon a hidden door , behind a bookshelf of course.I opened the door and  all feelings flushed out of me . I looked at the woman I had fallen in love with , but she wasn't really the same woman at all .For the first time in my life she looked... small. She isn't big compared to me but when I say small I really mean weak. She had always held herself straight , confidently, and a big smile across her face. Now she was nothing but skin and bones . She was weak and fragile , I felt if I even touched her she would break . As I worked up the courage to get closer Sammy was already over there checking on her.He was first worried until he saw something on Johanna's neck. He backed away slowly .
"D-Dean" he said hesitantly 

I wasn't listening , I just wanted to get her out of here . I ran and kissed her . I kissed her with everything i had but remained gentle . I knew she was in pain....

My P.O.V. 

I was relieved , excited, even happy . However when dean kissed me i wanted to fall into his arms , let him take me away . I wanted to be his forever, just not right now , hew would be in danger. I broke away from the kiss , pushing away with some force , my eyes welling with tears .
"m-my neck" I said quietly , my voice small and meek from not being used often . 
He looked at me confused before pulling back my collar to reveal where they had been feeding off of me. He didn't back away though , he wasn't sad , he was mad . Mad at himself for letting it happen and mad that it happened in the first place .

"Did you feed ?" Sam asked , his jaw clenching in concern

I actually started crying , tears slipping down my face, out of joy for my stupid pride helping for once.They both must have assumed I had because they both started reaching for machetes.

"Idjits , does it look like i fed?" I spoke up. They both gave me the look. The look you receive when a Winchester doesn't trust you.
"I didn't feed." I said  , the sound of exasperation evident in my voice

They both relaxed slightly , i was still my old self.
"lets get you home and back to normal ." dean said and picked me up gently , trying his best not to hurt me .Before we left they made me pick out the one that turned me 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO BUNKER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dean carried me inside with ease, resting me on a bed . I sank into the mattress I once thought felt like a rock. It felt odd being back , surreal, like it was actually happening. As we all sat in the room Dean and Sam discussed how they were gonna take care of me. They spoke of a cuncoction that would turn me back into a human. Dean looked at me with soulful eyes , I could see the worry melt away as he formulated a plan to get me back . Sam rushed off to the kitchen and began brewing the so called 'tea' that would make me human . Dean came and sat beside me , easing his way onto the bed . He laid still for awhile before working up the courage to touch me . He turned on his side , his hand reaching over to my arm . I quickly moved , jerking his hand away from me . He didn't really take into account the idea that every touch i had received for the past year has been to either torture me or have fun with me. He pulled his hand back quickly , his eyes looking at me with sheer sympathy . My body was skin and bones and my spirit was broken into a thousand pieces , but dean was the person that could put it back together .

(( okay , I owe you guys this update so it is cut short and abruptly , but I will post the next part asap , enjoy !))

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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