Chapter 7

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I blinked. I thought, 'WOAH. She's SCARY when she's serious.' But, I managed to smile, and said, "Hey! No need to be so hostile. I wanna help." Venus got a sour face. "Right. We've never meet you or heard about you, present or past, and we're just supposed to believe you?" She demanded. I sighed. "This is exactly what happens when you're not supposed to exist, but do." I looked Venus straight in the eye. "To be quite honest with you, Venus, I myself don't have a clue why I exist. I just know about you guys. My memories from the past, no matter why, just won't kick in, no matter what I try. I know about Silver Millenium, the Moon Princess Serenity, which is Usagi, here-" I gestured at her, " and about  the Sailors. But nothing about me. It's like someone is blocking that part." Jupiter narrowed her eyes. "That's weird." "Yes." I agreed. "I know you all as Sailors." I pointed to the girl with blue hair. "Mercury." The one with purple eyes. "Mars." I pointed to Venus, and well, you know what I said. To the girl with green eyes, "Jupiter." To Usagi I said, "Sailor Moon or the Moon Princess, Serenity." 

Awkward silence.

I broke it by saying, "My name is Cheryl, I'm in Usagi's class, a 14 year old, and definitely not a Youma." Usagi looked at me. "You're in my class? How did I not notice you?" I smiled. "I'm excellent at staying of the radar. No one notices me, because I don't talk to anyone." Mercury blinked. "Wait... are you that girl who sits alone at recess?" I nodded.  "Why?" Jupiter asked. "After my parents' death in that plane crash, I hardly socialise. People who knew me think I'm freaky because I can talk to animals. No one wants be my friend." "I'm sorry. About your parents." Mars said. "Yeah... um, thanks. I don't think about it much." Venus said, "So... you live alone?" I shook my head. "No, I have my sisters. Jemma, the youngest, Miranda, the eldest. I'm the middle one." 

Venus looked at Usagi in askance. Usagi nodded. "She's been truthful, I'm sure. We can trust her." Venus nodded at the others. Mercury said, "I'm Ami Mizuno." "Ami." A smile burst out on my face. "How about I call you Ams?" Ams smiled. "Sounds good." Mars said, " I am Rei Hino." "Rei. Fortunately or unfortunately , I can't think of a nickname for you. " "It's fine," Rei said. "Makoto Kino." Jupiter said, hand held out. She seemed to like me. I shook it. "Mako." I christened her. She smiled. "Sorry, that's taken." She said, glancing at Usagi. "Awwww... never mind, it suits you!" Venus smiled , "I'm Minako.. Aino." She hesitated on telling me her last name, almost as if I would know too much if she told me. She was still suspicious.' For a good reason.' I thought. "Minnie. And don't worry, I won't use these nicknames so much." Usagi said, "I'm Usagi Tsukino." I nodded in an I-knew-that. Suddenly a black cat popped up. She looked at Usagi in askance. Usagi nodded. "My name is Luna." She (Luna WAS female , I can tell) said. Everyone looked at me, almost expecting me to go screaming in surprise. I laughed instead. "It's not too surprising. Luna looks intelligent. After discovering my powers, I doubt anything can surprise me now." "My full name, " I said, "is Cheryl Jennekins, and I have cake." I proclaimed. "Really?!" Five voices said at once. I nodded. I took it out, took out the cutlery. While I was doing that, a note fell out... the note, the apology note I wrote the Sailors for not being able to help. Quick as lightning , Venus saw it. "What's that?" She asked me. "A note. A note I wrote to you all." I picked it up and gave it to them. This is what I wrote, and Venus read out,

"Dear Sailor Guardians, 

I know you all don't know me, and don't trust me. I don't blame you. It's natural for you to be suspicious. I'm used to all that. I want to say sorry for not being able to help you save Tuxedo Mask. I tried. But I might know where he is.



P.S How's the cake? My sisters and I baked it."

"We trust you." Ami said. Usagi said, "As for the cake, we'll have to see about that!" We all laughed. I cut the cake and served a slice to everyone. As I was eating, I said,"You know what I really want to know is, how did I get my powers." "I don't know." Usagi said. "Near as I can figure, you weren't a Sailor protecting the princess. Earth people were forbidden to come to the moon." Luna's eyes widened. "Queen Serenity........ when she ....... oh god...... the Moonstick..... some of its magic...... flowed to the Earth.... that's it!" Then she smacked her head with her paw. "Of course! I wasn't seeing things!" "Can someone please tell me what this kitty is on about?!" I half-wailed. "Do NOT call me kitty!"  She said, her eyes gleaming dangerously. Then she mellowed down and addressed me. "And now, Cheryl, Sailor Earth, I may have a theory as to how you came to be. Come around, everyone, and I shall tell you."

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