Chapter 10

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Unfortunately, Luna also dropped a bomb. "But that is only possible when there is a full moon." All of us groaned. "Cue the tragic cartoon music!" I said. Everybody smiled. "I seriously hope this  doesn't take too long." I said. "Well, it will, as the waxing and waning process of the moon takes-"( Ami started) "NO rational explanations please! Let me be stupid. Stupid helps me to stop getting so anxious." Minako sighed. "Honestly, are you always so idiotic yet endearing?" I nodded, grinning. I checked my watch all of a sudden. "Oh, damn! I'm late! My sisters will be worried. Sorry guys. Gotta go!" I waved bye, rushed outta the room, with my bag, wished goodnight to Mrs.Tsukino and went home. We would met tomorrow at the arcade, that was for sure. I was looking forward to that. I MIGHT be able to lead them to Mamouru Chiba. MIGHT. Anyhow, I wasn't about to give up easy. Beryl had better watch out for a Sailor Earth Special Assault...

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