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Welcome to The Aura Awards, a contest dedicated to finding the best authors in the community!

First of all, this contest is run by rebel_falls26 and rosemaryreddings  (We highly suggest following these two accounts). As undiscovered authors, we both know how it feels like to want more reads, votes and reviews on your book.

That's why we made this contest—For all you who think that your book can be one of the best out there, with others just not realizing it.

By joining The Aura Awards, you're becoming an Aurian—A part of our community. Our community is full of some of the most dedicated writers out there; the ones who want to inspire, read, and support others, too.

Let's get started!

The Aura Awards is a celebration of ten different genres. We accept any books in the genres:

-Short Story





-General Fiction





There will be one book featured every week. This book will be called the "Book of the Week."

As a reader and an author, you need to check The Aura Awards book for new featured books. We suggest adding the main book to your reading lists to get notified whenever this book is updated.

Your other responsibilities include reading the featured book, voting on that same book, commenting on the book, and leaving a review (on The Aura Awards book) as a comment while tagging the author of the featured book and stating the title as well.

To enter The Aura Awards, fill out the forms in the main Aura Awards book and remember to tag one of your friends to join the contest!

If you want to add your book to The Aura Awards, fill out the author's form. If you're a reader, then fill out the reader's form.

Note: If you've entered as an author, we also expect you to read and support all other competitors unless you provide us with a reasonable explaination.

Keep reading the next chapters to get a clearer pictures of this little contest of ours!

Oh, and if any questions are bugging you, don't be afraid to comment here!

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