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1) All readers and authors alike are required to support and give feedback on other authors' work as part of their responsibilities in this project.

2) All readers and authors should observe appropriate language, should any participant break this rule, they will be disqualified.

3) All participants are expected to do their duties (reading, commenting, voting, etc) within the given time period unless armed with a reasonable explanation for non-participation.

4) A maximum of 7 authors for each genre allowed to participate in this contest. Once a certain genre is full, we will no longer accept books entered in the said genre. This competition runs on a "first come, first served" basis.

5) All participants should always respect one another while commenting, replying, etc in The Aura Awards.

6) You cannot re-enter the same book in future competitions on our account if you have already entered it in The Aura Awards. If you are unsure if you were chosen before, you may ask us.

7) Have fun and enjoy the competition, Aurians!

Any questions? Feel free to ask us in the comments.

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