After school

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The bell rang and everyone jumped up an out they were. I walked up to Mr. Myers "you needed to see me?" I said. My stomach was in my chest. "Yes, you haven't done too well on these last few quizzes" he said concerningly. "I'm going to have to put you with a tutor" I was a little embarrassed. he looked on the computer for all the available tutors. His eyes, oh how they scan the computer. His hands, swiftly moving from key to key. I can't help but smile. "Well, looks like there aren't any tutors left so I guess I'll have to tutor you. Every day from now on afterschool. Is that fine with you?"

I wanted to scream, jump, dance, anything. "That would be great" I said with a smile.

"Alrighty see you tomorrow. Afterschool" he said while giving me a friendly wink

"Great. I'll be there." I walked out of the class room smiling feeling like $1,000,000.

I get into my car sit there for a few minuets and turned it on and headed home.

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