The dance.

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As soon as I got home I ran up the stairs to get ready. I took a shower. I got out covering myself with my towel. I walked out of the bathroom to my closet. My closet is a huge walk in closet. I am very lucky to have all of this. I flipped through the clothes and I finally found a cute dress. A mini dress that poofs out. It was pink and was all glitzy. It would look great. I put on a sports bra and shorts, unwrapped my hair and began to blow dry it. I am very satisfied with my hair length. It's down to my butt. After I blow dried my hair I started to spiral curl it. My hair looks good spiral curled.

I wait a few hours to put on my dress. I have been watching 'awkward'. I decided to take some pictures. I only curl my hair occasionally. My teeth are very white and very straight. I love my looks. I get them from my mom.

After I take a photo shoot in my room I go up to put on my dress. I love the way I look in it. I'm thin. And it shows off my long legs. By shoes are super cute too. They are sliver and glittery. I look really ran. I laugh to myself. I grabbed my keys off the table, grabbed a sweater, and went down stairs.

I got outside got in the car and started driving down the road blaring the song " Wrecking Ball" that's not a good song to jam too but that song will alway be one of my favorites.

I pulled into the parking lot and when I got out I could hear the music blasting. I got in the school and it was even louder. I put my sweater and my purse on one of the tables. My friends all motioned me to come over and dance with them. I glanced over my shoulder and seen Mr. Myers. I couldn't help but smile. I started to dance. And I felt someone watching me. I could feel eyes scanning every move I make. I was grinding on people. Everyone does. I looked to see Mr.Myers watching me. Why is he watching me? Am I just imagining this? I started to dance even slutyer that I already did. I could feel the guy I was grinding on. It was Kendal. My ex boyfriend. Me and him broke it off a while back ago. He's cute. One of the hottest boys in our grade. Star quarterback but he's a cheater. He was my first love my first everything. Heck, I even lost my virginity to him. But I didn't care at the time. I kept going. "You look mighty fine tonight." I roll my eyes. "I'm sorry" he says again.

"Stop it Kendal'' i say sharply.

"Stop what? I'm just being honest."

"No you just want sex. Now stop."

I got so aggravated I just went to dance with my girls. A slow song can on. Killing my mood. I go back to my stuff and there sat Mr.Myers. "Hiya."

"Hello." I slowly with a smile.

"Little crazy out there aren't ya?" He said with a smirk.

I just laugh. "Yeah. It's high school you gotta have some fun." He just smiles and I go back to the dance floor. I danced till 12:00am I was all danced out.

When I got home I could stop thinking about what Mr. Myers said.

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