4~Amusements, and anniversary surprises.~

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***Allison POV***

"Thank you, for the dinner."I said, giving him a quick kiss.

   "Anything for you." He said wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

   "Today was perfect." I told him, as we made our way out of the restaurant.

   "Not yet." He said, with a grin. I looked over at him confused. "The nights not over." He said grabbing my hand, and heading us to his motor bike.

   "What do you mean?" I asked as we got on his bike and put our helmets on. He just started the bike and pulled out of the driveway. "Where are we going?" I asked laughing, as I rested my head on his back, while he drove.

   "Trust me, you'll love it." He said taking a left turn, into the woods.

   "I know, I will." I said wrapping my arms around his waist tighter. He stopped next to a tree, and helped me off the bike. He guided me a little ways into the woods, until we stopped at a beautiful lit up spot.

There were beautiful twinkling lights from tree to tree. There was a spot in the clearing of the trees with blankets, and pillows. Lights lined up, in a walkway to where they blankets were.

    "How did you do this? When did you do this?" I asked placing my hand in his.

   "While we were at the restaurant, I called Liam, Stiles, and Malia to make sure everything was set up. Oh yea, Hayden had a part in this to." He said kissing my hand.

   "Wait, Hayden? I thought- Oh they were never really in a fight were they?" I asked him cocking my head to the side, with a smile.

   "Nope. That was just to distract you, so Scott could make the call." Hayden's voice rang from behind me.

   I turned around quickly and pulled a taser out of the inside pocket in my jacket, before I could help myself. I saw Hayden's eyes grow bigger than I've ever seen them, and she threw her hands up in surrender. I dropped the taser and and started laughing.

   "I'm so sorry." I said, while laughing. I took a step backwards, and Scott wrapped his arms around me to keep me in place. I sat on the blankets holding my stomach, because I was laughing so hard. Scott sat down, next to me and handed me my taser.

   "You brought a taser on our anniversary date?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

   "Hey. Hunters are always prepared." I said raising one of my hands. "I'm just glad I didn't shoot, as soon as I turned around." I said, looking at Hayden.

   "Your glad!? I would've been the one, to get tasered." Hayden added in.

   "Yea, you do have a hunter for a girlfriend. What'd you expect?" I heard Liam say, as he walked up to Hayden and put his arm around her. Scott just rolled his eyes at them. "We'll leave you two. Have fun." Liam said taking Hayden's hand in his and walking into the woods.

   "I love you." I said, not giving him time to reply. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed our lips together.

***Stiles POV***

"What do you mean, we have to go to the store. It's 8:40 and the store closes at 9, tonight!" I yelled in a rushed voice, grabbing the keys to my light blue jeep.

"We're taking your jeep?" She asked, grabbing her purse from beside the couch.

"Duh." I said to her, as if it was obvious. We left my house, locking it up before walking to the jeep. I open the passenger door for her.

   "Why thank you, kind sir." She said, with a small bow.

   "Your welcome, my lady." I said, before putting my arm over my stomach and bowing. We both started laughing, while I got in the driver's seat.

   I started the jeep, and pulled out of my driveway. The song '7 years' by 'Lukas Graham' came on the radio, I turned and glanced over at Malia who had her eyes closed, her head leaned again the jeep window, and singing the song quietly to herself. If she hadn't been drumming her fingers to the beat and singing along, I would've thought she was asleep. This is one of the things I love about her, she has two sides to her, the quiet side, that just sings quietly, and the upbeat side that screams the words and pretends to have a microphones in her hands.

***Malia's POV***

I was singing to myself and drumming to the beat of the song, when I felt eyes on me. I glanced over at Stiles, who was watching the road but glancing at me every so minute with a smile on his face, and amusement in his eyes. Well that's the sense I got from him, amusement, and happiness. He saw me looking when he glanced back again, and quickly turned his gaze back to the empty road of Beacon Hills, his cheeks, faded a red color. I could feel my cheeks, fade red as well.

Great now I'm blushing. I couldn't help but smile, after I got another thought. Was Stiles blushing? Wait, does Stiles Stilinski have a crush on me? No, he was probably gonna say something sarcastic, but no shame in asking.

"What?" I asked, watching him to see his reaction.

"What?" He said mimicking me.
I rolled my eyes at him, and he had a cheesy grin on his face. Probably proud of himself, but I wasn't giving up that easily.

"Why were you looking at me like that?"

"Like what? How was I looking at you?" He asked a smirk growing on his face, but at the same time he looked nervous, like he was trying to avoid the subject. He made me smile, even though he was being complicated.

"You know, you looked... Amused?" I said the last word, kinda in a question.

"Maybe I was amused." He said avoiding eye contact, by not looking away from the road.

"By me?" I asked shocked.

"You have no idea what I find amusing in this pretty little head of mine." He said laughing to himself. "We're here." He said, parking the jeep.


Sorry, I didn't actually get to the point of this chapter, because this chapter is already 1113 words long and I thought about the anniversary surprise, after I started writing. So it would be really long, if I kept going so I stopped it here. It will be in next chapter though. I promise. Also comment or vote if you liked this chapter or the picture I edited at the top. Scallison, love them! ❤️

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