Chapter 3

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(Phil's POV)
I am starving. I can't wait until I get out of here. I hate being social. I can't believe Chris forced me here. He is celebrating. I don't have to drive him home even though he's drunk apparently someone else is. I don't know what he's celebrating. He didn't tell me. "Phil!" Chris slurs. There is a boy behind him. "This is my soulmate, PJ" Chris gestures to the man behind him. "Hi. I'm Phil." I introduce myself. "PJ, Chris' soulmate." He laughs. Then Chris whispers something in PJ's ear and they both leave. "Bye" PJ says. I wave goodbye. That was nice. They are so cute together. I'm so happy that Chris found his soulmate.

(Dan's POV)
I want to leave. I don't like being social. I can't believe PJ forced me here. Apparently he is celebrating something. I don't know what he is celebrating. I am just happy he is driving someone home, this means he isn't drunk. PJ when he is drunk is scary almost. "Dan" PJ says. He is next to some guy. "This is my soulmate, Chris." He gestures to the man. "Hi Dan." Chris slurs. "Hello. You seem drunk." I state the obvious. "Yeah I had a few drinks." Chris slurs. Then PJ whispers something in Chris' ear and they leave. "Bye" Chris says. I wave bye. They are cute together. I'm glad Pj found his soulmate.

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{A/N: SPOILERS: Next chapter Dan and Phil meet!!}

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