Chapter 6

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(Phil's POV)
I walk into the pizza place. Sudicy's Palace. It's much better than Losek's Pizza. I'm early. Or Dan is late. I don't know the time. I order four slices of pepperoni pizza. Two for me and two for Dan. They hand me the pizza "Thank you." It also is faster than Losek's Pizza. I sit down and Dan comes in wearing an eclipse shirt. He looks hot. He sees me and sits down. I give him his pizza slices. "Oh thank you." He says. "No problem." I reply. "So do you want to play 20 questions?" Dan asks. "Sure" I answer. "I'll ask first. What is your favourite colour?" He asks. "Blue," I answer. "Black." "What is your favourite past time?" I ask. "Sonic." He answers. "Anime." "What is your least favourite thing to do?" "Probably exercise." I answer. "Me too."

(Dan's POV)
"What is your favourite animal?" Phil asks. "Llama." I say. "Lion." I laugh. "What's so funny?" Phil asks. "Well, it's just funny because you are so kind and stuff and lions kill." I answer. He pouts. He's so cute. Then Phil gets a call. "Sorry I have to answer this, it's my job." I nod. Then when the call is over I ask, "What job do you have?" "I'm a youtuber." Really? "Me too. What is your channel name?" I ask. "AmazingPhil. What's yours?" "danisnotonfire." I answer. "We should do a video together." He suggests. "Yes. We could do a Q&A. I ask you questions and you answer." I say.

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