Chapter 3

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Clary's POV

I woke up to Jon making his famous chocolate chip pancakes and blaring sunshine & whiskey

Hit me like fire shot me like a built burned me up and down no way to cool it every time you kiss me it's like sunshine whiskey

Which is one of my favorite songs, and favorite food so I knew something was up. When I walked in he looked up all suspicious like and smiled.

He was out of his gear waring a simple black T-shirt and jeans while I was still in my pink nightgown that went just above my knees and my hair in a messy bun.

I used to mess with him for having perfect white hair that always fell into place (with my help most of the time) and how my hair is a wild mess of red curls no matter what me or mom did.

"Hey red go pack we're going to New York!"

"Really! I thought we were going to Paris? You said that you hated that city. What did you do with my brother!?"

"Well all our friends are in New York and you and your little nerd wanted to go, I guess we might as well go, its the most obvious solution."

"Yeah right you just want to go so we can keep looking for mom."

"So what?" He said with a smile that said that I might as well shut up now. So I did.

"Whatever I'll take a shower and start packing." I said.

"Good girl."

I then went to my room got some clothes (black cut off skinny jeans and a black crop top) and took a shower.

When I'm done I packed my clothes, my posters, my pictures, my blankets, my sheets, my books, my phone, my Cotton Candie maker, and my laptop. Then went to eat.

Afterwards we get our stuff and portalled to the New York Institute where I would live with Jon (my brother), Simon Lovelace (my best friend since I was born and parabati since I was 14) Alec, Max and Isabelle Lightwood and Jace Herondale (I have not met them yet).

When we get there Simon is waiting for me so he could help me unpack. My room was between Simon and that Jace guy's room as soon as I saw this I smiled to Simon and we both said, "sleepover!!" At the same time and started laughing like crazy and then the hottest guy I have ever seen walked out of the room to the left of mine.

"Whats going on?" he said. This boy looked like he was made out of gold, his hair was blonde and his eyes were honey colored and looking at him made my heart beat faster but I wouldn't let him know that......yet.

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