New Neighbors?

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My eyes pondered out my window once more, staring at the moving truck across the street. It had been a couple of years since Mr. Jenkins had moved away with his wife and two daughters. No one had lived there since. There was always the few who had come to check out the house but there were never any takers.

Someone finally decided to move in to the old place. My eyes curiously inspected the scene, my brain exploring the possibilities of what my new neighbor would be like. From the details of the furnishing that was being carried out of the truck and into the house, I assume it was a young adult. The items had quite a modern feel to them.

A black 2016 Honda Accord pulled into the driveway and someone steps out of the driver's seat. From the shape of the body, I assume it is a man. He is wearing a black hoodie which hides his face from my view in the window. I can see the frigid air give way as his breathing makes a cloud of white before disappearing. I watch intently, noticing the smallest things such as the snowflakes slowly gathering onto his hood-covered head.

The street being narrow made it easy to pay close attention since there is barely any distance between the houses. Even being at such close range, I can't make out any of his features since he is basically hiding his whole face.

He turns around towards my direction, head down, making me only see strands of what I believe is light green hair, hanging down from his hood. He saunters over to the trunk of his Honda and he pulls it up.

He pulls out what looks like a tripod and what I assume is other photography equipment.

The thoughts of why this mysterious new neighbor had had these items started churning through my head. Possibilities of what he would possibly need the trinkets for intrigued me.

He carried the items through the front door and into the house. I furrowed my brow in thought and the door once again opened revealing the man. He raised his head and peered at the other houses.

I study him closely and examine the characteristics of his face. He was quite attractive with a toned face, some whiskers lined on his chin and upper lip, along with his light green hair. It was now swooped over his hood and it had complimented him quite nicely.

His eyes continued examining the houses until they had stopped at mine. I stood bewildered before realizing that the piercing gaze of his magnificent blue eyes, were boring into me.

I remain stunned before I finally regain my consciousness and pull the curtain over the window and hide myself behind it as well. My heart was beating out of my chest.

Maybe he didn't see you staring at him...

Yeah that'd be somewhat believable despite the fact that he was staring right back at me. I inwardly swear at myself and try to calm my breathing and slow the fast rhythm of my heart.

He was definitely attractive, but I had just made possibly the worst first impression in history.

Nothing like spying on your neighbors the day they first move in. Good job Isabella, I retort in my head.

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