27. Hard To Get {pt. 2}

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(Morgans Pov)
I pull up to the school in my Jeep. I grab my bag from my passenger seat. I check my hair and makeup. My long brown curls billowed bellow my shoulders.

I had simple makeup of just concealer and a pale pink tinted lip gloss. I walked up to the doors of the school.

Same sights day after day. People practically attacking each others faces by trees. People talking outside. I walk through the doors to my locker.

Alexis was at her locker already.

"Wow Morgan.... You look surprising not hipster today." Alexis says.

I look down at my outfit. I was wearing a blue dress, and a pair of brown wedges.(an/ outfit above)

"Yeah, I know..... I just decided to not to wear flannel today." I answer.

"Its different..... I haven't seen you without flannel in almost 5 months..... Even your pajamas are flannel......" "There's something wrong with you...... Spill it......." Alexis says.

"Alexis, Nothings wrong!" I say.

"Morgan, Your lieing. I can tell cause your legs twitching." Alexis said.

"Shit. Yeah.... Something is wrong.... I do like Shawn. I know I shouldn't have lied. Its just last time I liked someone Madison told the whole school.... So basically I don't show my feelings anymore." I say.

"Morgan..... I'm not Madison. We're not friends with her anymore. She don't even talk us. Gods got even with her anyways. Just please, Go tell Shawn the truth. You'll feel better." she said.

"Fine, I will. After you tell me the gossip on Madison...." I say.

"Okay... Im fine with that... Well, I heard she got aids and she's pregnant. Her payback is hilarious. Now, Go talk to Shawn. Go. Before class starts." she said.

I walk over to where Shawn was. He was staring down at his phone.

"Uh... Hey Shawn-n."I say nervously.

"Oh. Hey Morgan, Whatsup?" he answered.

"Well, I have something I have to get off my chest. I think I would be less guilty if I did." I say.

"Is this about yesterday?" Shawn asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is..... Well, I lied. I do like you. I like you a lot. I've liked you since 1st grade, when you stole my crayons.*giggle*. That's all I had to say..... Bye...." I say walking away.

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hand slowly spun me around. I felt soft lips hit mine.

The whole hall started 'ohhhing and awwwwing'. I just kept kissing. Shawns lips were so soft. It felt like the moment in The Fault In Our Stars, When Hazel and Augustus kiss in The Anne Frank House.

I could feel Alexis's eyes watching me. I could feel many eyes watching me. I then slowly pulled away.

"Uh... I'll see ya... Uh... Later I guess...." I say walking back over to my locker.

"Wow, Morgan. You just madeout with Shawn. In front of the whole school......." Alexis says.

"Yeah.... I did, Didn't I?" I reply.

Then my phone went off. It was Shawn.
'Hey, Morgs. Uh.... I was uh... Wondering.... If maybe.... You'd like to go on a... a... A date?'

'I would love to!'

'How 'bout Friday night at 5:00pm?'

'Sounds great!'

I then shut off my phone.
"Morgan, What did that text say?" Alexis says crossing her arms.

"Well..... Shawn kinda just asked me out.... On a date...... Friday night.... At 5....." I say pausing at every sentence.

"Wow..... I hope you have birth control and condoms!" Alexis says.

"Fuck You!" I say jokingly, well slapping her arm.

The bell rings. I say bye and run off to first period.
I liked writing this chapter! Im sorry I haven't uploaded part 2 of Accident yet. I just have writers block. But there's gonna be a part 3 of this series! ~Morgan😘

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