37. Prom

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*your PoV*
I walked into the school, my stomach fluttering. It was 2 weeks until prom and I heard Shawn was going to ask me.

Once I was to my locker, I opened it. A note flew out of it, lightly landing on the floor. I bent down and grabbed it. I opened the neatly folded note, trying not to crumble it.

In a pink sharpie it read:
Dear y/n, After school today, go to Starbucks. I'll be waiting for you to arrive. I got something I want to tell you.
Love, Shawn xoxo.

I folded it and smiled. My friend Mackenzie walked up to me.

"Hey y/n. Whats up with that happy smiley face of yours?"

"Shawn, left a note in my locker." I say handing her the note. I watched her eyes scan over the note quickly.

"I wonder what he has to tell you. Cause you know prom is in 2 weeks.... You don't have a date, he don't have a date..... You guys are adorable together. He's obviously going to ask you to prom."

"You think so?" I ask naively.

"I know so." she confirms

"Okay Ken-" I get cut off by the bell.

"I gotta get to class. Talk to you at lunch." I say running off to reading class.

'I can't wait till after school'

I sat in my car thinking if I should go through with this. I made up my mind and opened up the door after grabbing my purse.

I went over my dress with my palms smoothing it out. I ran up to the door. Once I was inside I looked around to see, no Shawn anywhere.

I order a latte and waited till it was done. Once the man handed it to me, I looked to see the same pink sharpie. In pink ink read:
Dear y/n,
I like you a latte. I know you do to. And I know no one has asked you to prom yet. So look behind you.
Love, Shawn xoxo.

I turned my body to see Shawn with in front of a screen that in pink fancy letters that said 'Y/n, Would you do the honors of going to prom with me?'

I gasped when I read it.

"So. What do you say, y/n? Would you do two honors of being my prom date, and possibly my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I say grabbing his hand.

"Yes, to both?"

"Yeah. Yes to both. I would love to be you're prom date and girlfriend!"

Everyone in the Starbucks clapped there hands, applauding, as we hugged.

"This is a dream come true." I whisper to him.
***prom night***
I paced around my room, my heart pounding like a sledgehammer. Shawn was going to pick me up in 2 and half hours and I haven't started getting ready yet. I did my makeup trying to hide my imperfections.

I put on my pink eyeshadow, making sure my eyes looked okay. I applied light blush, making my cheeks slightly redder then the already were. I went through my makeup bag trying to find my favorite lipstick. Once I found it, I applied it on my soft lips.

I tried to decided how to do my hair. I finally decided on light beach waves, and a braided crown. Once, I was done I slipped on my teal and beige dress. *picture at beginning*

I put on my lucky earrings and matching necklace, tying the outfit together. The sound of the door bell echoed into my room. I instantly knew it was Shawn.

I slipped on my heels and put my phone and lipstick into my matching clutch. I could hear my mother talking to Shawn, and the topic was me.

"Don't worry, Ms. Y/l/n. I really like your daughter and I plan on taking good care of her tonight."

"Good, Remember, she has trust issues with men, since her dead beat father left us. So if you hurt her I will kill you."

"No problem, Ms. Y/l/n."

"Oh and Shawn honey, call me y/m/n."

"Okay, y/m/n." I then thought it was a good time to come down. My heels clicked on the hardwood floors getting there attention.

Shawns eyes gleamed with happiness at the sight of me. Shawn stood there in a black suit with a teal tie, that matched my dress. His hair was done the way I like.

"Wow y/n. You look gorgeous."

"Thanks. And you look dashingly handsome, as always."

"Well, you to love birds go onto the front lawn so I can take some pictures." my mom cheers happily.

I walked onto the front lawn where my favorite oak tree was. For late April it was pretty bloom.

I took a seat on the swing, Shawn stood behind me, hugging me slightly. My mom took some photos in that position until we changed the position. This time we did the traditional one, where Shawn stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. Once we were done, Shawn and I drove to the prom.
The space was decorated with colorful streamers. The bright lights shined on the dance floor. The room was filled with flashing, blue, red, green, yellow, and purple lights. Shawns hand was gently intertwined with mine. As we walked in everyone was looking at us. We just smiled and found Mackenzie and her date Ian.

I sat down and talked to Mackenzie while the boys got us punch.

"So Kenz. Hows Ian?"

"Uh.... Hes awesome... He's funny, idiotic hes amazing. Hows Shawn?"

"Shawns amazing. He has so much love for me. And I overheard him talking to my mom about my father, and he seemed like he really cares about me. He promised my mom he won't hurt me, so I'm holding him to it."

"That's great..... See I told you, you to were adorable together."

"Yeah we are." I say as I see Shawn dance over to me with 2 glasses of punch in his hands.

"Your punch malady. " he says bowing.

"Thank you, my prince. Or shall I say King."

"Call me, your sexy beast."

I laughed before I answered him. "Okay. Wanna dance, my sexy beast?"

"Yes, my gorgeous princess!" he says pulling me to the dance floor.

The music was loud and upbeat Shawn sang along to the song, I could recall the name of. It was just a perfect night. Shawn was perfect. He is so amazing, I wonder why he chose me. I'm just y/n y/l/n, normal, boring, self-conscious y/n.

And Shawn is this talented, athletic, handsome, kind-hearted guy. Why did he choose me? It makes no sense. But I'm happy it ended up this way. I may never know why he loves me so much, but I will know that he loves me deeply.

"Shawn?" I ask sweetly.

"Yes princess." he answers.

"Why did you choose me?"

"Cause I love you. I love your everything. Your personality. Your cute insecurities. Its what makes you, you. And I love it. And I love you."

I just place my head on his chest and danced slowly to an Ed Sherran song. This is the best night ever.
Omg!!!! Thanks for almost 100 reads on my Treat You Better chapter!!! I love you guys so much!!!! And I know this chapter sucks, I just haven't had the time to work hard on imagines so I just throw ideas together and write them down. But continue to read, and please vote. I have 50 chapters and only 12 votes..... That's sad.... So please vote!!!! ~Morgan

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