42. Meeting The Family {Part 2}

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It was a quarter past Four when the door bell rang. My mom yelled to me and Shawn saying that my family had arrived.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I haven't seen my family since I moved to Toronto nearly 3 years ago.

Shawn followed me nervously to the living room where my family sat talking. My mother sat on the sofa talking my aunt.

I seen my cousins looking Shawn up and down.

Me and my cousins always were close. We were so close, we even fangirled over Shawn together.

"Claire, Lauren, Katie, this is my boyfriend Shawn."

They each hugged Shawn, not letting go.

Then, Katie spoke. "You lucky bitch. You ended with Shawn freaking Mendes. Congratulations."

I chuckled, not knowing if she meant it or not.

"How's college treating you guys?"

"Good. Even though we all promised to go together. But no... you had to run off to Canada so you could pursue your dreams."

That's when I came undone. I slapped Katie right acrossed her pale white face.

"How does it feel to bitched slapped?"

"Just like this."

That's when Katie slapped my face so hard it bruised. She then started throwing punches. My mother tried to pull her off of me, while Shawn pulled me away.

"So Mr. Prince Charming saves the day, huh? That should be me you ungrateful bitch. I should be the one with Shawn not you!"

Shawn then came unraveled.

"You're the ungrateful bitch. You can't even be happy for your own fucking cousin. She found someone who loves her and you can't even be happy! I'm a nice person, but I can't deal with people like you, who are selfish human beings. And I don't care if now this family don't like me. I stick up for y/n, and I love her."

Katie then stormed out of the house like an angry little child.

My whole family just stared at us. My aunt, uncle, grandpa, and everyone else looked dazed.

"Shawn, your a great young man. The way just stood up for y/n was remarkable. She's lucky to have you. And I'm glad you fit in with this dysfunctional family." My mother spoke.

"Thank you, Mrs. y/l/n. "

The oven timer goes off and my mother darts off to the kitchen.

"Papa, Nana, how have you guys been?"

"Good, I'm happy you came to visit. We all missed you." My nana said calmly.

"Missed you all also, nana."

The room then fell silent.

Then my mom came in telling us that dinner was ready.

We all sat at the table talking in between bits of chicken.

"So y/n, how long have you and Shawn been together?" My uncle asks.

"Um, 2 years? I believe."

Then Shawn cut my off.

"2 years, and 3 months to be exact, sir."

"Well, you've been together this long and we're just now meeting Shawn? Why haven't you visited earlier?"

"Well, Last summer we spent a week in Pickering, visiting Shawn's family."

"Oh. Shawn, tell me a bit about yourself?"

My uncle has always been my father figure.

"Um, well sir, I grew up in Pickering. My dad, Manuel, is a business man, and my mom, Karen, is in real estate. I have a younger sister, Aaliyah. And I'm sure you know I'm a singer."

"You sound like a nice young man, but if you ever hurt my niece I will cut your balls off. You here me?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Samuel, don't you start any trouble." My mom scolded.

We finished our meal, and went outside to talk some more.

"Guys, I have something I need to tell you." I blurt out.

"What is it, sweetheart?" My aunt asks.

"Well, 2 weeks ago, Shawn and I were on vacation on St. Martin. We were going for a walk on the beach during sunset. I was staring at the horizon, the colors painted on the sky. And I happened to look over and there was Shawn. Down on one knee. He said some beautiful things and then asked me to marry him. I, of course, said yes. Long story short, Shawn and I are getting married!"

Everyone was expressionless, except my mom. She just hugged me, and squeezed me tightly. I felt loved, sure my family was crazy, but there perfect for me.

"Shawn" I say softly. "Welcome to my crazy family."
Sorry it's kinda bad. I tried! I wanted to add some sassiness, but I feel like I went kind of overboard with it and it feels tacky. But oh well. You guys wanted a part 2! Comment suggestions for other imagines, I have major writers block. -Morgan

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