Can't leave

605 21 4

Dipper's Pvo

We had gotten to a large home,with enclosures around the bottom of the hill. I had went to ran off,but Bill had gripped the leash and crackled," Where do you think your going?"
I yelped and soon heard chuckling from In Front of us,I looked over to see a wealthily man. I hissed as I jumped up as if trying to kick the man a few feet from us.
Bill had pulled me down and made me walk in a circle around him," he used to get larger animals to raped me for his entertainment. I'm not going back there," he gave me a confused look as he shook his head as he turned and looked back at Northeast.

Bill's Pvo

"Where do I put him," I asked him,as I had a grip on dipper's leash.
He grinned as he spoke,"in the barn."
I nodded and began to walk forward to the barn. I noticed dipper was looking down,as we finally got to the barn I put him in the last stable,and I slipped a lock into the latch,I slipped the key onto a necklace chain and slipped it over my neck.
I had noticed Mr.Northeast watching me,he soon spoke up," Bill if I pay more,will you train that deer?"
I smirked and nodded as I chuckled," sure."
He handed the payment from me catching him,I soon went back to the home I Had on his land.

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