Where im i..?

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Dipper's Pvo

Dipper had awoken with a light groan as he yelped quietly when realized his back leg was chained. He looked around as he gained his sight back as the the drug worn off. He heard a chuckle and footsteps walking his way,he looked over to see Mr. Northwest,he panicked and began to try to get free. His head was forced to look at the man as he noticed his large smirk.

Mr.Northwest's Pvo

I smirked as I looked down at the deer,'so helpless.' I thought as I slipped my hand down his side,I heard his Yelp as I laughed at his fear. He had begun to scream as I continued,after a few moments I heard the door behind us get slammed opened.

I looked up to see Bill as my grin grew,"wanna join?" I heard him scold me as he gripped my shoulder pushing him against wall,I heard him growled.

Bill's Pvo

I pinned northeast as I glared him down,"if you ever touch this deer,so help me you'll be changing your name to misses."
Bill noticed the other male get startled as he soon chuckled,"make me you fucker," I growled and took the pocket knife from my pocket slashing his neck,he began to gurgle blood in his throat as he slowly went to the floor.

I turned around,walking over to dipper as I petted him trying to calm his nerves as I unchained him,he was passed out from the trauma.

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