I made a friend..

557 18 2

Dipper's Pvo

Dipper had soon jumped when the wall behind him had opened,he walked out and gazed upon the field. He yelped when getting tackled by a red wolf.

"Hey!" He squeaked as he kept his hooves on her chest,"who are you?"
She giggled as she looked down at him,"I'm Wendy! Wendy Corduroy, better than James Bond right?"

I laughed as I nodded looking up at her,"My Name is Dipper Pines." She nodded," you must be new?" I nodded slightly," actually I've been here before but I ran off," he continued,"but I was caught by a hunter."

She paused for a moment as she spoke up with a smile," oh! You mean Bill,nah his find once get to know him."
He nodded as she got off him,after a while of talking and laughing Wendy soon had to leave since it was night.

He heard a faint howl,he realized it was Wendy. He giggled lightly as he walked around the pastor,he began to feel as if he was being watched.

Dipper had shivered as he soon felt something get shot at his hip,he jumped and began to walk but as he did  his body began to slow down,he soon fell forward and fell asleep.

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