Chapter 6

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(6) Pranks [edited]

For the past two days after I met the president, EXO's manager gave me the same schedule each day, which was to study what and how the boys act around the other sunbaenims and when greeting during shows.

I was tired of following them around to their interviews, their performances and the variety shows they show up on. I was bored and I wanted to sing and dance just like them.

Today, I woke up to Kyungsoo yelling at Chanyeol and Minseok, yet again. They just can't get enough of Kyungsoo's cooking that they love to steal them before the actual eating part.

I sat up and stretched myself. I found my room was actually sound-proof after I asked if any of them could play my iPod music on full volume through the dock and I stood outside, with the door closed.

I hummed along to EXO's comeback song, 'Wolf' while preparing my bed. I then took a fresh pair of clothes, a towel and walked to the bathroom.

Today, I was finally going to meet my EXO_E members. I needed to look nice and fresh so that I wouldn't hurt a nerve. I knew for a fact that some people are neat-freaks, so I decided to become a neat-freak for a day.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and changed into my clothes consisting of a black Wolf 88 t-shirt that I bought online and my denim shorts. We walked barefoot in the dorm, so I didn't bother about shoes.

I was about to go in my room, but I knocked into Chen instead.

"Hey dongsaeng. *smiles* Wanna do pranks with me and Luhan?" He asked all while giving me an evil smile, saying that if I didn't join in, I'll be the first to get pranked.

"Sure, oppa. But can I blowdry my hair first? I'll be real quick." I told him and he nodded. I went into my room to blowdry my hair whereas he went to look for Luhan.

Just as I was about finish with my hair, the both came rushing into my room and locking the door. They then collapsed on the bed and were laughing. Outside, I could hear Sehun yelling.

"Yah, why'd you put blue hair dye in my shampoo! You know blue isn't my colour! Yah! Open up!"

I whispered to the both them to hide inside my closet, since it was big enough to fit both of them. I closed the closet door, but left a small hole there just enough for them to see everything I was planning.

I opened my room and door to face a fuming Sehun. His face hardened a little when he saw me, but gave no acknowledgement.

"Where are Chen hyung and Luhan hyung? I saw them running in here just now." Wow, rude much? Well Sehun, two can play at that game.

"I don't know. Why would you ask me? I was just in my room, doing my girly stuff. What's it to you?" I crossed my arms and gave him a bored face.

"I-you-ugh. Never mind." He stalked off towards his room and I made sure he was already in it before I quickly closed my door and opened the closet.

Both Chen and Luhan were laughing their heads off when they stepped out. I looked at them as if they've just escaped the elysium and decided to come and strangle me to death.

"Oh my god, dongsaeng, you so owned him!" Chen was now rolling on the floor, tears of joy rolling down his face.

Luhan was lying on my bed, letting out a happy sigh. He gave a soft kick to Chen's butt, making Chen get up from the floor and join him on the bed.

"Wow dongsaeng, I've never seen Sehun getting owned before. That was a first. Lulu, did you see his face? It was so funny."

Sehun was never owned? Not even by his hyungs? Has he always been this cold?

"Anyways, lets discuss about our next prank." Chen continued, while sitting up and looked at me.

I pulled my chair and sat opposite them, smiling and smirking as they told me the perfectly planned plan.


It was eleven in the morning and we had just finished our breakfast. I was eyeing Chen and Luhan. They were seated far away from each other, just as we had planned.

Our victim was Kai/Jongin oppa and we decided to do a little something to his dance clothes. And in five seconds, he'll be running from his room, screaming.





"WHO DID THIS? WHY'D YOU HURT MY POOR SHIRTS? WHAT DID IT EVER DO TO YOU? OH MY GOD, IT WAS YOU, ISN'T IT CHEN?" He looked towards Chen and gave him a death glare. If looks could kill, Chen would have been six feet under already.

And just like we planned, Chen denied everything perfectly. He didn't laugh or smile, just like how we practiced. I was smiling like an idiot when Kai turned to face me.

"Yah, dongsaeng-ah, was it you?" He asked me. If he kept on staring at me like that, he was sure to burn a whole in my skull.

I look at him and stopped smiling. "Ani, I was sitting here with Chen oppa and Luhan oppa the whole time." The truth was that we had copies made and cut. The real copies of the three shirts were hidden under my bed.

Chen and I were sitting out here as lookouts, while Luhan snuck into Kai and Kyungsoo's room to switch the shirts. We even had Baekhyun to distract Kai while Luhan did so.

Kai looked at Luhan next, his face was already red from all the anger. "Hyung-ah, was it you?"

Luhan shook his head. Kai was disappointed and he walked out of the dorm. I quickly ran to my room, took the real shirts and stashed them in Kai and Kyungsoo's room.

I smiled. Jongin oppa was going the shock of his life.

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