Chapter 24

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(24) Forgive Me

It was a bright and sunny autumn day. The wind was blowing and the autumn leaves were falling. The once green but now brown leaves and wilted flowers scatter the floor to the building.

I had gone for my daily 2km run. Just four months ago EXO_E has been separated, and now here I was. Before this four months, I was that 50kg-150cm girl. I was too short for my age and was often mistaken. 

But now after four months, I am now a 40kg-170cm girl. I had lost 10kg of weight yet gained 20cm of height. I was still shorter than Suho oppa, Kyungsoo oppa and Minseok oppa, but who cares.

Joo Young and I had decided that we should be a duo. The president agrees with us and happily made arrangements for our albums and the themes to change. We were now the 'Inseparable'. 

James and William had just debuted a month ago as J&W with the song 'Forgive and Forget'. The moment they stepped onto the stage, their popularity rose. 

From being unknown artistes to famous kpop artistes had only needed a day for them. I wondered if it would be the same for me and Joo Young.

I took out my headphones as I walked the crowded stairs up to the building. As usual, the entrance was full of fangirls, and sometimes a few fanboys here and there. 

But luckily, I had Jonna unnie. She helped me through this crowd everyday without any complaints. Our relationship was closer than manager and idol, it was more of a sister relationship.

I thanked Jonna unnie as I got in. She smiled and went off to get my schedule for the day. I sighed as I walked to the training rooms. 

I reached to one of the empty training rooms and got in. I turned to switch on the lights as I close the door. 

But just as I was about to turn the switch on, my mouth was covered and the person behind me told me to shush. He closed the door and locked it.

He dragged me onto the far end of the training room and a light from a flashlight came on. The person made me swear to not shout once he let go of me.

I obeyed as he placed the flashlight underneath his face. I gasped as I saw that it was Sehun. 

"Raechelle, please ju-"

I pushed him away and got up. I was fuming. I had known that he had lied to me since last month. Just a day after J&W debuted. 

I felt stupid for falling for him all over again. It didn't feel right. If I had known, I wouldn't have forgave him.

I was about to leave when he pulled me into his arms from behind. My back was to him as he placed his chin on my head. 

"Raechelle, I know what I have done. I've hurt you so much that words can't explain the pain you've went through. I know that by pretending that my memory was lost, you would hurt. But you have to know this. It hurts me too when I saw the zombie-like version of you."

"You've already gone through pain when you thought that I had betrayed you when you got your memories locked. Truth is, I never left. My mind and heart were always with you wherever I go or whatever I do."

"I was locked, and the only person who could free me was you. The upcoming comeback for EXO would probably be our last. As all of us are of age now, we have to go back to EXO Planet and help Lucynthia." 

"The president had already agree and we're leaving two months later after the comeback, which is tomorrow night. If we leave in two months time, I wouldn't be able to see you debut."

"I wouldn't be able to hear your sweet and soothing voice. I wouldn't be able to see you finally smiling sincerely after everything."

"But most important, I wouldn't be able to kiss you and tell you 'I love you' afterwards."

I was crying. I don't know why, but I was crying. I could feel myself shaking from head to toe as I thought of him leaving. Watching him from afar was already a pain, what would happen once he left?

I turned around as the darkness slowly grew accustomed to my eyes. He looked down and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"What I mean to say is .." He lifted my chin up and looked into my eyes. "I love you."

He pressed his lips softly to mine as I closed my eyes on impulse. Fireworks erupted as our kiss deepend and our tongues were fighting for dominance. 

After what seemed like forever, we pulled apart and Sehun rested his forehead against mine. 

"Forgive me, Raechelle. I can't bear to hurt you anymore. I love you so much."

I gave him a small smile as I pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you too."

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