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" June we turn this corner right?"

" Yeah, just don't bump into anyone."

"I won't."

I turned the corner and as if it was some sick joke someone bumped into me and I fell over.

"Ow! My nose.."

A hand reached out to me but I knew it wasn't June. He's not civilized enough to help me. The things you learn about people in 2 hours. I took the hand and said my thanks still holding my what seemed like broken nose.

"Thanks, And sorry I didn't mean to..." My voice faded after I saw the person in front of me.


"Took you forever Lily."

"Well sorry for getting lost. Hmph." I folded my arms and turned toward June who was still laughing at me falling. I started pouting even more until I saw tae walk to June,

"June? Why are you here?" June walked up to me and put his arm over me.

"My little buddy here needed help finding what I guess was you. And here we are."


We decided to go to an ice cream shop close to the spot where i was meant to meet Tae. It was pastel pink and light blue, it was basically just adorable. I sat at a small table by the window while Tae and June got our ice cream. It was a shock to find out Tae and June were friends in high school and ended up in the same collage. It was fun hearing about them but after a while i got excluded from the conversation. It felt as though my existence was no longer needed, so with a sigh i got up and walked out the store.

I reached in my bag for my phone and texted willow asking where she was. I knew where I was going this time. Losing June really got to me so I'll never forget the way i got here. At least I hope so. I got an answer back from Willow telling me she was home and I could come over if I want. I smiled at the text and kept walking until both of my shoulders were grabbed.

I turned around to see two out of breath guys named Tae and June. I stood there dumbfounded as they breathed heavily trying to speak. I don't think I walked that far anyway way. Once they calmed down Tae was the first to look me straight in the eyes as if he were going to scold me.

"You can't just off like that you know."

Tae was smiling but somehow he still seemed mad. I turned around to escape his heated gazes.

"It's not like you would've noticed." I mumbled under my breath.

"Of course we would have."

"Hmph. Really."

"How could we not have realized our tiny princess went missing." June said with his disgusting playboy smile.


"Look, we're sorry. After a while we realized we were being idiots and when we tried to make up for it, you were gone.."

"Yeah, Tae and I are stupid and forget things sometimes. It's our bad."

"Of course it's your bad, but I forgive you."

As of shocked by being forgiven, they both spoke at the same time.

"You do?" I laughed a bit.

"Of course. I mean you both admitted you're stupid idiots so I'm good."

"Are you sure, because I had a lot more excuses in me ready to be used."

"Oh shut up June. She forgave us already, don't give her another reason to hate us."

Hate? I never hated them. Man they really are idiots.

"I didn't hate you, I just felt like I wasn't needed, so I left."

They looked at each other and once again spoke the same words at the same time.

"We're sorry!"

" It's fine, it's fine." I giggled and took a step backwards.

"I have somewhere to go now so I'll take my leave." Tae looked a little concerned.

"Do you remember the way back, because we can walk you back."

"Trust me, I'll never forget."

And with that, I was on my own once again.

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