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I am so excited to be posting this. I get a little impatient and just want to put my covers up and I like saying hello before I actually post. I am strange. 

I just want to say that sometimes I do forget to read over my chapters before I post them and so would like to apologise for some of the errors I do leave in. I really hope you will all like this when I start posting. This will be more a "short story." I plan to try and update regularly. I intend to post every Saturday, aside from if I am travelling or working as sometimes I do get work last minute and can not always finish and post when I would like. In these cases I will post updates on my feed to say when the chapter will be up. 

I really hope you will all enjoy. Thank you so much if you check this out next week. I may post sooner. I probably will. 

Thank you,


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