Jumping to conclusions

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Hey! Enjoy!! Prompt- write about conclusions.

Jumping to conclusions,

They aren't nice; they just lead us to delusions.

Unrealistic dreaming

Can lead all of us frustratingly screaming.

I wanted more excitement within the delivery

Instead it left me feeling bitterly

Conclusions are evil

There is no sweet retrieval.

Feeling hopeless, feeling blue

Biting off more than we can chew.

The day seems long,

The night seems all wrong

Conclusions made

Like a lion with a blade,

Feeling hurt, feeling lost

Don't forget the hours of exhaust.

No mind thinks alike

Sometimes differences strike

Through the heart and splatters

Making our hearts shatter,

But we begin to think what really matters,

And we jump even higher

the conclusion spreading out like a wildfire

Would love to hear a few! DM me or post in the comments.

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