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Steve POV

The slam of the lockers was deafening. Third period had just ended which meant it was time for lunch. I marched with my head held high (despite being about a head shorter then everybody else) into the lunch room, where I was destined for indefinite boredom. I normally sat at a table in the corner, alone. Every. Single. Day. The closest I got to human interaction was when one of the nicer girls pitys me and my empty table and gives me a small smile. I got to my table but I didn't bother to buy lunch. I never ate at lunch time anyway. I was never hungry anyway. I put in my headphones and listened to my favorite podcast. It was called Welcome to Night Vale. It was basically just a radio show for a strange town with strange places and strange inhabitants. It was where I drew most of my inspiration for art and film.

Being a complete outcast in a high school of almost 500 people had some drawbacks, but I didn't really care. They left me alone and I left them. The universe was in a perfect balance.  At least it was, until a boy who looked a couple years older then me stopped at me table and sat down.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked. His voice was low and smooth. I sort of recognized him. He wasn't completely popular but he may as well be. Everybody loved him, including all of the girls.

"Take your pick," I told him, gesturing to the full circle of empty chairs. He sat down. He didn't have a lunch either but he carried with him a stack of books and a sports water bottle, but he wasn't dressed like a jock. He has a pair of grey skinny jeans, a white v-neck and a black leather jacket. His hair was slicked back with expensive looking hair gel giving him a sort of vintage look.

"No offense," I said choosing my words carefully, "but, who are you?" People rarely paid any attention to me at all, and hardly one of the hot, cool bad boys with a good reputation.

"James Buchanan Barnes at your service," he grinned, his eyes twinkling. He had a sort of cocky aura like he knew how attractive he was, or how his teeth were perfect and his eyes were a colour you couldn't quite place, but you would still end up getting lost in them.

"I'm Steve. Steve Rogers," I said still staring at his military graveyard perfect teeth.

"Well, Stevie, why you always sit alone here in the back?"

I was a little taken aback. He had a sort of personality that you could feel comfortable with him no matter what. He could probably charm the pants off of you if he wanted to.

"I guess I got no one to sit with," I told him. I was shocked at how it came out. I had meant to say it as a kind of joke, but it came out sounding like a sad sort of ballad.

"Well, now you do, pal," he said smiling at me with his perfect everything. I looked at him confused. But I quickly let the confusion fall free.

"You sure you wanna put up with me?" I asked him grinning.

"Never know until you try."

Welcome To Night Vale (Stucky- High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now