Chapter 5: Judgement Day

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Bucky and I spent the rest of the weekend together lounging around the house singing our favorite songs at the top of our lungs. It was calm and relaxing, unlike the constant anxiety of my average weekend, worrying about the upcoming week. We cooked together and fucked around aimlessly. Come Sunday night, he drove me home and walked me to the door.

"Thanks for this weekend," I smiled up at him.

"No problem, Stevie," he smiled crooked. I grinned again, and ducked my head into the doorway. I watched from the window as he swaggered into his car. I finally stepped away when the '67 Chevy Impala disappeared down the street.

This time I had actually informed my mother where I was going, and she greeted me with a smile.

"Hey, mom," I said to her.

"Hi, honey. Did you have fun?"

"Loads," I responded. "I'm really tired though and I have school tomorrow so I think I'm going to go to bed. Night, I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie."

I had no trouble falling asleep but my waking moments were spent thinking about the freedom and calm of the past couple of days.


I was startled by a loud bang, and I felt my shoulder ache is I was being thrown into a locker.

"Don't think I don't know you where you were all weekend."

My vision refocused, and I saw who the faceless figure was. Schmidt. He was a part of one of our school's gang. They called themselves Hydra. Bucky told me he used to be friends with them before they went to the dark side. When he saw where they were headed, he left, but they didn't make it easy for him.

"You little fag thought we wouldn't notice," he snarled in my ear before punching me in the nose.

I attempted to push him off of me, but I was too small and he was too strong.

"It's because of you we lost one of ours," he growled menacingly. "Barnes was ours and you think you can just come in here and turn him into one of you?"

He had his hand around my throat and I was getting dizzy. I could barely stay on my feet, but I threw a blind swing in his general area. Now a large circle of kids had gathered around. He let go of my throat, and socked me in the eye. It begun swelling shut, and my nose was dripping with blood. I could barely see straight, but I saw a blur push through the crowd.

"Hey, Schmidt," it was Bucky. "Pick on someone your own size."

"What are you gonna do about it?" Schmidt taunted, turning away from me. His friends were still watching me, but the crowds attention turned to Bucky and Schmidt.

"Don't test me," Bucky said glaring at him. I tried to run to Bucky but Schmidt's minions grabbed hold of both my arms, holding me back. There were probably going to be bruises on my arms for a good week.

My vision was blurring again, and this time I didn't think I would be able to focus for a good time. Bucky threw a punch, hitting Schmidt square in the jaw. Schmidt spit at Bucky's feet and turned around.

"Don't think I'm done with you yet," he spat. "Come on." His friends let go of me and I fell against the locker, my knees weak. They walked away, and the crowd started to leave. Bucky ran to my side and pulled my arm over his shoulder to help support my weight.

"You with me, pal?" He asked, but his voice sounded far away. I nodded slowly. He said something else, but I couldn't make it out. The last thing I remember is Bucky putting his arm around my waist and trying to keep me upright. Everything went black.

Authors Note: So basically I love the idea of Bucky swooping in like a knight in shining armour to defend Steve's honour. They're so cute I honestly can't.

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