Chapter 1: Valentines Day

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It had been about a month since Bucky had started sitting with me. At first I had called him James, but he insisted I call him Bucky. For the first time in forever, I felt like I actually had a friend. Well, a real life friend. I had plenty of other friends, but we could only skype and the time differences made it incredibly hard to talk to them. Bucky came to me everyday with a new story about something crazy a girl did to try to get him to notice her. I never understood why he never talked about having a girlfriend. I even asked him a couple times, but he just gave me a mysterious smile and changed the topic.

It was almost Valentine's day and he slid into the seat next to me with a suspicious looking grin.

"So, you got any dates for V-day?" He said.

"Nah, I couldn't pay a girl to notice me." I said with a small smile.

"Come on, you're a real catch. Hey, I invited a girl to come to this park with me you could come to and I could see if she's got a friend."

"I don't know, I wasn't really planning on doing anything on V-day anyway."

"Perfect. I'll pick you up at 5 and we can pick up the girls together."

With the look in his eyes, thee was no stopping him. I groaned and he pleaded with me with his puppy dog eyes, and I crumbled.

"Fine," I said drawing out the word as long as I could.


Valentine's day came quicker then a expected. It was on a Sunday this year. I wore some black skinny jeans and a white button down with dark blue suspenders. I saw Bucky's car in the driveway so I threw on my black chucks ran out the door, forgot my wallet, and circled around the walkway to grab it.

"You look great, pal," he said to me. "Sharon's gonna love you."

"Thanks," I said blushing profusely. "You look really nice too." He was wearing his usual skinny jeans and converse but he had a dark blue flannel on with the collar popped upon. His hair short hair wasn't slicked back with the usual gel, but left natural, looking shaggy but still very nice.

"You ready for a great night?"

"You bet," I answered, but it sounded kind of burnt out. Like I would rather be somewhere else. He looked at me with a sort of worried mother look and squeezed my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm sure it's gonna be great," I said I little more upbeat. 

We drove to wherever I assume the girls were waiting with the music blasting. He was into the same sort of music I liked. Fall Out Boy, and Panic! At the Disco and stuff like that. When we pulled into the driveway, he turned the music down until it was nearly inaudible, and grinned at me with his winning smile.



The girls came out looking how girls were supposed to look I guess. I've never paid that much attention to girls, honestly. It's not that I don't like them, I mean they're okay, but I've never really found a girl I liked. I hoped that this Sharon, whoever she was, would let be like all the other girls I've met.

Instantly, I knew that the night was going to be a bust. Whoever Bucky's date was was absolutely in love with him, and so was Sharon. Both girls spent the night tripping over each other to be near him, and I was following behind them completely forgotten.

Well, not completely. While both girls were completely intrigued by Bucky, he kept looking at me all night. When they went to the bathroom (why do girls always go to the bathroom together? Is it like in their genetic code or something? That they must always go to the bathroom together?), he gave me an apologetic look.

"Damn, this isn't what I had in mind." He told me looking sort of sad.

"Don't worry, I don't mind." I said to him with a small smile. "It's nice to st least get out of the house."

"Hey, how about after we drop them off we go out for ice cream or something? My treat."

"Yeah, I'd like that."


The rest of the "double date" passed by slower then molasses. Bucky won the girls multiple things from the cheap games the park had, until they had trouble carrying them. But he wouldn't stop looking at me.

After we dropped the girls off at their homes, we went to a small diner in town. We ordered milk shakes and sat in the back.

"I was so sure she was going to love you." He told me shaking his head. "Girls." 

"Nah, I'm nothing compared to you." I said grinning at my milkshake.

"You sure as hell aren't nothing, Stevie. You're a great guy. I still don't understand how you don't have a girlfriend."

"Girls don't like me," I said plain and simple. But I left out the fact that I didn't really like them either. I had never been preoccupied by my sexuality. I mean my ma was okay with anything, and I had never really thought about girls. Or boys, in that matter. But something about Bucky...

"Hey, you with me?" He said waving a hand in my face.

"Sorry, zoned out," I said sheepishly.

"S'all good," he said. "Well, if you don't have a girlfriend, have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"No, and I don't think having one in a RPG game counts."

That earned a laugh from Bucky.

"How about a boyfriend?" He said playfully.

I turned red and started stammering. Then I choked and started coughing. I was pretty sure I was turning purple when Bucky came back with a cup of water. I hadn't even realized he left. I took a sip and started returning to my natural pale shade.

"You okay there?" He asked bending over.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said, rushing my words. I then remembered the previous details of our conversation and blushed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've had a couple boyfriends." He offered to me shrugging. I relaxed and felt a weight lift from my chest.

"Well, I've never actually had a boyfriend or a girlfriend but I mean I like boys and I don't know I guess I like girls too, I just have never liked a girl I mean I'm open to liking a girl but I never have actually liked I girl I mean I like boys more..." I was rambling. This was not good.

"Breathe," he interupted me, and I realized I hadn't taken a breath for the past minute.

"Sorry," I said blushing again. "So, you like boys too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't have a preference." There was a mischievous look in his eyes but I pretended not to notice.

"Okay yeah okay."

Okay so there was a cute boy, who likes boys, who I'm friends with. I couldn't decide wether this was a great thing or a horrible thing, but I was starting to get a crush.

Welcome To Night Vale (Stucky- High School AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang