Heart Beats

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"So how do you think that they can actually get the texture to look like that?" Gus said as he scrunched up his face looking at the book in his lap. I brought him an art book from the library when my mother and I went last night. It was just a random one, but he seemed to be very engrossed with it, I was glad I could bring him something that he really enjoyed. I smiled as I looked from the page of the fantasy novel I was reading and looked over at what he was ogling over. It was an abstract painting that was filled with flying colors of bright teal's and tangy oranges.

"Not sure, I'm not the artist here." I told him while rolling my dark blue eyes playfully. He moved over on the bed so that he was lying down on his back beside me.

"I just love what this artist did with the browns and green undertones!" He said under his breath as he kept intently studying the paintings in the book. I couldn't pay attention to my book anymore because the sweet, interested look on Gus's face was too adorable! He looked like a freaking puppy! I put my book onto my bed side table and directed my attention to Gus's book.

"You know what?" I asked him.

"Humm?"He said lightly in his husky voice.

"I like your stuff way better than these guys." I told him honestly, looking at the book and remembering the painting that he did of us that was hanging up in the fancy restaurant. He smiled over at me lovingly and nuzzled his face into my shoulder, blowing fast air-farts onto my sensitive skin earning him a loud giggle.

"Gus!" I said trying to get away from his ticklish touch, while laughing hysterically at his goofy antics. He sat up and wrapped is arms around my middle and pulled me into his lap before I could squirm away and brought his lips down onto my smooth tan skin and blew another air-fart.


"Gussss!" I said loudly, playfully whining in between laughs. He brought his hands up to my sides and started to tickle me even more and my body squirmed as I tried to get away from the goofy boy. It was too hard to crawl away though because I was doubled up from a stitch in my side at all the laughing I was doing. Even Gus was laughing Hysterically! After another minute of my desperate attempts at fleeing from his tickles, he stopped and swallowed me into a ginormous bear hug. He grabbed my hips with his long, thin, but strong arms and pulled me after him onto my messy bed. I fell on top of him, my legs straddling his, and my arms above his shoulders so our faces were inches apart. I looked down at him and saw a sweet smile spread on his beautiful, full lips. This boy was beautiful, and kind, he was considerate and bold, perfectly balanced between outgoing and cripplingly shy, artistically brilliant and this boy was mine. He was my artist, my best friend, my boyfriend. In that moment while I was openly staring at Gus underneath me I knew that I never wanted any person in my life more than him. I wanted to hold hands with him down the street everyday, I wanted to see the concentration on his face while he sketches under the tree, I wanted to know that he was doing okay and to make him happy every minute of the day, and I wanted to move out and find a dingy old apartment that we would live in together, and I wanted to go for walks to the beach together and kiss under a palm tree during a sunset, and I wanted to hold his gentle frame while he is sobbing over a teen romance movie, and I wanted to see the smile and tears in his eyes when I ask him to be mine forever, I wanted to grow old with paintings and art clutter sprawled everywhere throughout our house and to fall asleep with him in my arms every night, and I wanted the last thing I saw before I died to be his sparkling, hazel eyes framed by a head of long, shaggy, dirty-blond hair. I looked down at Gus, with a tone of seriousness as I bent down, closed my eyes and kissed him incredibly gently on his forehead, giving the kiss as much emotion as I could muster, putting all my feelings into it, trying to send Gus my thoughts. As I pulled away from the kiss a tear ran down one of my cheeks. I felt the smooth skin of Gus's hands wipe away the tear and he tilted my head down to face him.

"Hey?" He whispered in his raspy voice. I looked at him and his eyes were filled with raw intensity, like mine.

"Yeah?" I croaked through the layer of emotion in my voice.

"I... I uh... need to tell you something important..." He stuttered. My breath became hitched in my stomach as the butterflies in my stomach started to fly uncontrollably.

"What is it?" I asked him in a breathless whisper looking into his light, hazel eyes that were staring into me intensely.

"I... Uh..." He smiled nervously as he brought one of his hands from his sides and scratched the back of his neck. "I love you." He whispered as his beautiful eyes gazed lovingly into mine and he tilted his head up to place a delicate, feathery kiss onto my lips. The kiss was light but it held the weight of his words with such emotion that it was the most passionate kiss we had shared. He pulled away slowly letting go of my lips and he looked back into my dark blue eyes. "I love you." He said again with a crack in his voice showing the raw emotion. My heart was beating with the footsteps of a hundred running horses. "I love your laugh. I love your crazy obsession with girly romance novels. I love how you came to see me in the hospital everyday, rain or shine. I love how you love my art and care about it. I love that you are interested in me and my passions and how you remember the little things that I like. I love how your skin feels on mine when we hold hands. I love how you get flustered whenever I kiss you. I love your smile when you see the sunset at the beach. I love how you wear Kermit the frog boxers." He said looking up at my stomach where my shirt was raised so you could see my boxers poking up out of my black skinnies. I blushed even more than I was before. "I love the way your hair looks after I run my hands through it." He continued smiling from below me as I was still straddling his beautiful, thin body. "I love how we can chat for hours and not get sick of each other. I love how when you kiss me I can feel your heart beat as fast as mine." He said, red blush evident on his charming face. "I love you, Rain Peters." He whispered. "And I know this is probably really soon, but I know that these feelings are here. It's no use denying them." He let out a long breath and waited for my response. My chest felt like an explosion as I spoke the words I had been desperately wanting to say out of my shaking lips.

"I love you too, Gus." I croaked and I smashed my face into his, aching to be as close to this boy as I could. We threw ourselves passionately at each other on my messy bed, and like he said before; I could feel our hearts beating at the same pace... like they were one.

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