Chapter 1: Jealousy

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Yup... Brand new story that I hope you'll like! Enjoy the first chapter.

Gill and Maya stacked some wooden planks on their destroyed roof. They were forced to rebuild their house because it was demolished by the wither storm. The two haven't gotten much help. Lukas didn't come around that much anymore, and Aiden's been sulking since Jesse destroyed the wither storm. Maya looked over her shoulder and sighed. Aiden had his back against a tree and had his head down and his shoulders slumped. "What's wrong with him?" Maya asked Gill. "I don't know." Gill responded. "Maybe we should try to talk to him." "Every time we try that, he walks away without speaking to us and finds another tree." They both looked at Aiden, his eyes never leaving the ground. It's almost as if he wasn't even thinking.

Just as they finished the roof, Lukas had returned, with food and materials. "Hey guys!" Lukas exclaimed happily. "You seem happy." Gill scoffed. "Probably hanging out with Jesse." Maya assumed. Lukas sighed. "What do you guys have against Jesse?" He asked. "Easy. She's a pest, and now that she's the leader of the order, she believes that she's on top of the world." Maya described. Lukas shook his head. "You guys don't understand." "You don't understand." Gill replied immediately. "Aiden hasn't been himself ever since Jesse defeated the witherstorm." Gill explained. "I'll go talk to him." Lukas said.

Lukas walked up to the tree that Aiden was leaning on. "Aiden?" Lukas started. "Keep walking, Lukas." Aiden mumbled. "Aiden, you gotta cheer up." Lukas told him. "It's just that I wanted to be the one well known, the one being talked about. But, instead it's the person I despise the most." Aiden grumbled, sitting upright. "Jesse's always being talked about. What does that make me? Nothing?" Aiden asked, eyeing Lukas. "Of course not, Aiden. You're a good friend." Lukas said. "Whatever. Just go back and hang out with Jesse. I'm not worth your time." Aiden stood up and walked away.

"Well, I tried." Lukas told Gill and Maya. "I've never seen Aiden this depressed. We've gotta do something." Maya stated. "How about we build something? Aiden loves to build." Gill explained. "What could we possibly build that would get Aiden to cheer up?" Maya asked him. Lukas put a hand on his chin and thought of the perfect idea. "I got it. We build an ocelot!" Lukas exclaimed. "Nice idea!" Maya complimented. "Cool!" Gill exclaimed.

The three of them began gathering materials and started putting it together. Lukas gathered all the colors of wool that was needed for the ocelot. They first worked on the four legs, then made their way up. Lukas hoped that Aiden wouldn't return while they're still working.

Meanwhile, Aiden was walking through the forest when he noticed that he had stumbled into Jesse's town. He noticed a large group of people standing around and decided to walk up and blend in with them. "Hi, everyone!" Jesse's excited voice was heard from everyone and the crowd began cheering. Aiden had to throw his hands in the air so he wouldn't stand out. "My friends and I will be gone for a little while treasure hunting. Please take care of yourselves!" Jesse announced and headed for the treasure room and the crowd dispatched. "Treasure hunting, hmmm? They've snatched enough treasures already. It's my time to shine." Aiden thought.

The only way he was going to know where they were going was to sneak into the treasure room, and that, he did. Aiden hid behind a wall and put his ear against it. "What's you're favorite part about treasure hunting?" Jesse asked. "Getting the treasure!" Axel stated in an obvious tone. "For me, it have to be that I get to explore new areas and learn about them." Olivia replied. "Nerd." Petra snorted. "Hey!" Olivia shouted, clearly offended. "I'm just joking, Olivia." Petra said with a innocent smile. "What about you, Petra?" Jesse asked. "Killing monsters. That's always fun." Petra said, eyeing her shining golden sword. "Well, let's go get some treasure!" Jess announced and the four of them left town in a hurry and the crowd cheered the whole way.

"If only that was me." Aiden sighed sadly and hung his head low as fresh tears began flowing out of his eyes and down his cheeks. "Why can't I be the one?" Aiden sobbed. Aiden wiped his tears and began to make his way out of the treasure room without being noticed. However, a loud "ahem" made him stop and slowly turn around. "What are you doing in here?" The man asked, walking toward him. "Wait, aren't you Ivor?" Aiden asked.

"You know that nobody is allowed in the treasure room without Jesse's permission. Especially someone she hates." Ivor spoke in a menacing tone. Aiden started backing away, not knowing what to do. Ivor smiled. "Then again, I'm not Jesse am I?" Ivor asked.

Aiden smiled in relief then decided to ask Ivor the same question he asked him. "Well, what are YOU doing in here then?" Aiden said with a smirk.


That will be it for chapter one! I hope all of you will enjoy this new story. Once again, this story has nothing to do with Betrayed, hence why I'm using female Jesse. See you in chapter 2!

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