Chapter 2: Ocelot house

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"Well, what are YOU doing in here then?" Aiden said with a smirk.


"Just observing." Ivor turned his back to Aiden. "Oh really?" Aiden persisted. "It's just that Jesse has been going on so many treasure hunts with her friends, it reminds me of what I did in the old order." Ivor told him. "It made me get excited to go on another adventure again, but whenever I ask Jesse, Petra tells me that I'm not allowed to because I might screw something up." Ivor said sadly.

"Aren't you bored?" Aiden asked. Ivor shook his head. "Not to be rude, but I don't like you anymore than them. And plus, I'm going to visit an old friend." Ivor exited the treasure room and bolted out of town. Aiden sighed and left to his home as well.

"And, done!" Lukas said as he put the last block of wool on the ocelot. "Aiden's gonna LOVE this!" Maya screeched in excitement. Just as she finished her sentence, rain began to fall from the sky. "He won't love that." Gill added. They quickly entered their newly built ocelot house and waited for Aiden to come home. "While we wait for him, let's decorate the interior." Lukas told them. "I call decorating my room!" Gill called. "I wasn't going to do it anyway." Maya snorted.

Lukas added beds in each room, Maya added pictures, crafting tables, and a couch in the main room, and Gill spent the whole time in his room. They were thinking of doing a style similar to their old house with the living room and bedrooms (excluding Gill's), but with the odd shape of an ocelot they had to switch things up. Each 4 of the ocelots legs has a ladder which leads up to the body of the ocelot, where the living room and bedrooms are, and the head, which contains extra storage.

Now that they had it all planned out, the only thing that was left to do was finish decorating and wait for Aiden to come back. They were hoping that this will snap Aiden out of whatever has happened to him. Aiden walked through the thick woods with his eyes on the ground and hid hands balled up into fists. "Why is Jesse the hero?" Aiden asked himself, his feet stomping on the ground as he walked. "I helped her by distracting the witherstorm using fireworks, so how come I'm not given any credit? Lukas did the same thing I did, but Jesse's so quick to thank him for helping." Aiden snarled, not paying attention to where he was walking.

Aiden had walked right into a wall of some sort, and rubbed his head in pain. Aiden looked up and saw a giant ocelot which made him gasp.

"WOAH!" Aiden yelled out in shock. "Surprise!" Lukas and Maya shouted behind him. "Did you guys build this?" Aiden asked. "Yup!" Maya said gleefully. "Where's Gill?"

"He's still organizing his room." Lukas answered. "So I'm guessing that you two did all the work while he did his room?" Aiden assumed. "Pretty much." Both Lukas and Maya answered at the same time. "Is he here?" Gill came out of his room, smiling like an idiot. "Right in front of you." Aiden replied.

The rain came down hard on their new house. "Well, why don't we all go to sleep for the first time?" Lukas said. They all agreed. Everyone went to their separate rooms and closed the doors. Aiden sat on his bed and looked down. "Why didn't I thank them?" Aiden thought in his head. He ignored it and laid down on his bed, falling asleep in almost an instant.

"Alright, it's time for a break. I'll get something to drink, and continue later." Aiden said to himself and left the room.

Aiden woke up and slowly got out of bed. He opened the door to his room and noticed that nobody was around. "Hello?" Aiden called. Gill came out of his room. "Where's Lukas and Maya?" Aiden asked. "Maya's doing some work on the farm outside, and Lukas-"

"Is visiting Jesse again?" Aiden cut Gill off, already in a bad mood. "No!" Gill replied quickly. "He's actually making a deal with Petra." Gill finished. "Oh great." Aiden before laughing. "Another person I can't stand." Gill looked at him and put his hands on his hips. "You can't stand anyone, Aiden." Gill said. "Well, you're not wrong."

"Morning, Aiden!" Maya said happily as she approached the house with a iron hoe in her right hand. "Hey." Aiden said, cracking a smile. "I just got done replanting the crops in our farm, do you want to see it?" Maya asked. "Eh. Why not." Aiden responded, following Gill and Maya to the farm.

"I'll take my iron now, Lukas." Petra said impatiently. "Here." Lukas said, quickly handing her the iron. Petra looked at him apologetically. "Sorry. It's just that after the Ivor incident, I've almost lost trust in my all my dealers." Lukas nodded. "I understand. Hey, do you wanna see this really cool ocelot house that we built?" Lukas asked her.

Petra was never interested in checking out other people's builds, but an ocelot house definitely caught her attention. "Sure. Seems pretty cool." Petra replied.

Lukas led her through the small forest to where they live. "As long as that creep Aiden is not there, I'll be fine." Petra told him. Lukas sighed. He didn't want a fight breaking out. "He was still sleeping when I left to make the trade with you. Maybe he's still sleeping." Lukas thought out loud.

Petra looked at Lukas, before an idea popped in her head. "Tell me, Lukas. Why are you still friends with Aiden?"

"Oh no." Lukas thought.

WOOO DID I JUST UPDATE?!?! Yeah, sorry for the long inactivity. I've kinda slipped away from MCSM for a few months but I noticed that I've been getting comments asking me to continue this story, so why not right?

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