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jung aila: yo bitch

nam irene: wut

jung aila: i've been thinking of confessing to woozi

nam irene: who the fuck is woozi

jung aila: jihoon, woozi's a cute name right?

jung aila: ^-^

nam irene: you are drop dead real in love

jung aila: I can't confess

nam irene: let me guess

nam irene: you want me

nam irene: to chat him and say that you like him

nam irene: am i right or am i right?

jung aila: what the..

jung aila: okay you win

jung aila: you're right

jung aila: you read my mind

nam irene changed your nickname to lee jihoon's #1 hoe.

you changed nam irene's nickname to just a random hoe.

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: so can you tell jihoon that I like him
seen 10:07 am

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: WAIT YOU HOE
seen 10:10 am

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: ABORT MISSION YOU BITCH

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: I CAN'T TAKE THE SHAME IT WILL BRING ME

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: I DON'T WANNA GET REJECTED

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: IT'S BETTER TO STAY FRIENDS

lee jihoon's #1 hoe: BITCH WHERE ARE YOU HOE

just a random hoe: oh lmao i already said to him

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